Telling Sirius about Tom was something Cassiopeia never pictured she'd do, she never wanted to be so weak in front of someone again, Tom took all he could when he did, and she promised herself she would never say his name again, at least his real name, what she called him. But now, to Sirius, it was so obvious why she was willing to fight with Harry, not only because of her sister, but because Tom had done something to her.
"T-there's a reason I didn't die from the blood quill..." Cassiopeia drained her voice in utter shame. Sirius looked at her as she spoke, he had never seen her like this before.
"People have survived the quill before.." Sirius trailed on but Cassiopeia shook her head.
"My sister's blood runs through me, killing my Muggle...side of me, changed something." Sirius looked at her with a frown.
"I-I haven't told anyone.."
"What is it?"
"Tom did something to me, when we were friends. It wasn't as twisted as it seemed, at least not at the time. He was so. . . Persuasive. It was like if you didn't do what he asked, you'd kill a hundred innocent people. He was a person, he was a boy. I was so naive to believe that he could actually. . . That he could actually feel something. Anything. He asked me class schedules, he asked me which professor's are weaker then the others, he asked me had anything changed from Hogwarts while he was there, but when Harry destroyed him, something in me. . . Changed. It was like I was no longer connected to him, like I had been carrying a thousand bricks at the same time and when Harry beat him, in the chamber after saving Ginny, it was almost like I could finally breathe. Then, I felt guilty for breathing, like I should keep the oxygen all inside so Tom could live again, How selfish is that?" Sirius was once speechless.
"Do you miss him?" Sirius asked gently.
"I. . . I feel guilty, because missing him means I can't like someone else. I fight with everything that moves, I put myself in situations where I can't get out of, hoping he would show up, secretly hoping he isn't what everyone says, hoping he isn't the monster that killed Harry's parents, hoping that this would he some fairy tale and that if Harry would kill him, he would be Tom again. I know that can never happen, but I was lonely, I was a child, I haven't forgiven myself for what I had done, especially to the Weasley family. All of that could've been avoided, but it was because of me that Ginny almost died." Cassiopeia hadn't noticed she'd been crying until she felt a tear roll down her face onto her hand.
The man next to her never thought someone who seemed so put together was so broken inside, someone who seemed to be an open book, had so many secrets. He didn't think that the war for Cassiopeia had already begun, and that she had been fighting it ever since.
"I think you should join." Sirius stated as he looked at her.
"Join what?"
"The order. You have more of a reason then most of the people on it,-"
"No one can know.'
"You've always said you wanted to fight with Harry, didn't you? Or were they all just words? The Weasley family are one of the most loving people out there, they remind me of James' family. Molly always cooking in the kitchen, Ron, standing by Harry's side, and the twins playing pranks and annoying Molly."
"I'm going to tell Molly you said all those things." Cassiopeia smirked a little.
"They wouldn't believe you." Sirius joked, smiling as he saw a smile start to form on the girls lips.
"You're not bad, you know that Little Tonks?" Sirius spoke up while looking at her.
"Neither are you Patsy, neither are you." Cassiopeia inhaled deeply which caused Sirius to frown.
"What? Am I not good enough for you? I thought I was your favourite cousin."
"Oh no! Draco Malfoy is my favourite cousin." Cassiopeia grinned as she looked at Sirius hurt expression.
"WOULD YOU SHUT UP YOU OLD TOAD?" Cassiopeia screamed loudly so Wulburga could hear.
"DON'T MAKE ME COME DOWN THERE!" Cassiopeia shouted and she stopped for a moment as she realised who she was turning into.
"We spend to much time together Patsy." Wulburga's screaming continued as Sirius and Cassiopeia walked downstairs to see who has arrived and it was Tonks and Remus.
"I leave you two alone for one afternoon and you're already fighting with dead people?" Tonks asked her little sister.
"She started it!"
"SHUT UP YOU OLD FLAPPING HAG! I WILL FIND A WAY TO BURN THAT BLOODY PORTRAIT OF YOUR SHAMEFUL SELF! I MEAN IT!" It was silent. Sighing happily, Cassiopeia smiled at her sister.
"So what do I owe the pleasure?" Remus gave Tonks a look but Sirius, was grinning widely at the fact his mother finally shut up.
"Was this a good idea?" Tonks whispered to Remus as she noticed Cassiopeia had adopted some of Sirius' characteristics, she felt so comfortable that she actually shut his mother up in her own home.

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...