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"It's not the end of the world, —oh don't give me that face little Tonks." Sirius spoke as he gave her the same look she was giving him.

"Umbridge?" Cassiopeia asked with a strain in her voice, and Sirius nodded.

"I know it's not the best plan, but this was the only way to get you into the order. Dumbledore won't be in charge for much longer and there's no way of keeping the order safe without someone there, and if You know who and Harry do have a connection it puts the whole order at risk. We need you, we need the Tonks sisters with the order, it may not be your cup of tea, and trust me, me and James did some things we didn't want to do when we started, but having Harry here, and willing to fight with his friends"— Sirius spoke pointing to Cassiopeia, "is what will bring the order back to what it once was, even if it's without James or Lily."

"They'll be proud of you snuffles." Cassiopeia spoke, it would be the perfect time for a hug but Cassiopeia knew he wasn't all too fond of hugging, the last person he probably hugged like he meant it was either James or Harry.

"I'm glad we're family Sirius, and I'm glad you are out of Azkaban, and I'm sorry someone ever thought you'd hurt your friends, especially James and Lily."

"You remind me of someone, someone I wish I knew well."


"Her name was Alice, she was very much like you, she had a son who's Harry's age now, Neville, they called him."

"Longbottom?" Cassiopeia asked him and he nodded.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, he's a Gryffindor, Harry's friend, he's improved a lot with spells in the last year, apparently he's one of the best now."

"It doesn't surprise me, Frank was really good at Magic, they were kind and gentle people, it's a shame what happened to them."

"They're dead?" Cassiopeia asked,


"What could be worse then death?"

"They were tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange in the first Wizarding war, they don't even remember their own son." Cassiopeia felt her heart drop.

"I.. didn't know."

"I'm guessing it's not something he likes to talk about, no boy wants to talk about how he lost his parent, — "Not even the bad ones."

"What about Gideon and Fabian Prewett? They were in the order, weren't they?"

"Heroes, is what they were. Two against five, saving a pregnant Lysara Lestrange."


"Bellatrix was originally a Black, she married into the Lestrange family, Roldulphus and Rabastan Lestrange had a younger sister, Lysara, she was to wed Regulus, not by choice, by family right."

"That's awful, did he love her?"

"She was pregnant, Lysara was kind, but both her and the baby were slaughtered not long after Regulus was killed by you-know-who."

"So, Regulus had a child?"

"A daughter, I never knew her name but people say she was named after a flower to show that Lysara didn't agree with you-know-who, she named her baby after a flower for Lily, they became quite good friends, but Lysara's family were like mine, and she couldn't just up and leave especially when she became pregnant. She warned James about Peter, but we were dumb enough to call her stupid." Cassiopeia was silent, just listening to him and their families history.

"So, that's that? That's ..." Cassiopeia didn't have any words, she looked at him, and he held his head low. Cassiopeia didn't care, she hugged him right then and there.

"Please be safe when I'm gone, I want to see Harry move in with you after Hogwarts, and I want to see your name be cleared by the ministry. Okay? You're my family, and I'm so glad we are."

"I'm happy too."

"You're a terrible liar." Cassiopeia laughed as she let go of him wearing a brave smile.

"Be safe, okay? No matter what that woman does." There was a knock at the door, and the two broke apart to see Molly Weasley smiling at the both of them.

"Dinners ready! Also darling, your sister wants to have a word before you eat, she's in your room, and Sirius, have a word with Harry, will you? He's locked himself in his room."

"It's probably Sirius' singing that's done it." Cassiopeia snorted at Sirius shocked face. Since everyone arrived at Grimmauld place, Sirius' loud Christmas Songs have been what's keeping everyone killing each other, however that's turned into people wanting to strangle him. Cassiopeia knew he was happy to be able to spend Christmas with actual people for the first time in years, including with Harry.

"I have a beautiful voice! ITS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY-"







"TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY"— Cassiopeia had walked out the room, leaving Molly to give Sirius look before gently hitting him with a tea towel, his laugh could be heard as Cassiopeia walked up the stairs, smiling at Ginny as she walked down.

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