It was all darkness, nothing but darkness, but she heard a voice, a weak voice that wasn't at all familiar.
"Cassiopeia?" The voice called as it heard like chains being dragged onto the cold floor.
"Who's there?"
"Rosalie, Rosalie Black." Within the blurryness of the darkness, she could see the slight movement in the darkness of another presence.
"Regulus' daughter?"
"How am I here?"
"I heard them talking about you, and I felt you, so I called out your name and I showed you--"
"The Golden Vase? How did you do that?"
"Legilimency, it often occurs in the heritage of long line pure blood families, guess I was a lucky one, it's also probably why I'm not dead yet."
"Why me?" Cassiopeia asked as she held her head and let out a deep sigh.
"I managed to look deep within Tom, and I heard your voice, you spoke of a name, and I saw his face and then you were here."
"We have such a fucked up family tree." Cassiopeia sighed, she found Rosalie's hand and grabbed it softly.- "You're not alone anymore, okay? We're in this together, and we'll find away out."
"I don't have my wand." Rosalie told her with a sigh.
"I've got a plan, it's a stupid plan, but I've got one."
"What? Tell me?"
"I need you to look into Harry Potter, think about him, whatever you've heard about him and I want you to use that to connect to Dobby the house elf, okay? He will be able to get us in and out, he can apperate and disapperate anywhere. Take my wand to the order, tell them Cassiopeia sent you, and show my wand as proof."
"But what are you going to do?" She asked, her accent was much stronger than Cassiopeia's.
"I'm going to be the distraction." Cassiopeia smiled but then realised Rosalie couldn't see her.
"But he'll kill you."
"You don't seem to have much confidence in me." Cassiopeia told her.
"Its not that, this is a stupid plan. I won't do it, you'll die."
"Would you rather us both die?" She asked with all seriousness.
"I'd die fighting with you." Rosalie told her which made Cassiopeia scoff.
"What?" Rosalie asked slightly offended.
"You're such a Hufflepuff."
"Let me guess, you're a Gryffindor? reckless and stupid?"
"I take that back, Hufflepuff's are meant to be nice."
"Are you always like this?" Rosalie asked with concern as it didn't seem like Cassiopeia knew the situation she was in.
"I've been waiting for a long time for a moment like this" Cassiopeia paused and gave Rosalie her wand and wrapped her fingers around it - "and you're not going to take it away from me."
"Fine." Rosalie nodded as she pictured Harry Potter, but it was much easier for her to do so as Cassiopeia knew him personally.
"Is the house elf dopey?" Rosalie asked quietly.
"Does he have a lot of socks on?"
"That's Dobby." Suddenly Dobby the house elf was standing next to the girls.
"Dobby?" Cassiopeia asked quietly and a small shriek of happiness escaped the elf.
"Miss Cassiopeia Tonks- ah, Oh what a pleasure it is to finally meet miss Rosalie Black, stories and stories Dobby has heard."
"Take Rosalie to Harry Potter, I know you don't take orders anymore, but I'll give you a dozen socks and you can have all my Hogwarts uniform if you do this-"
"Miss Tonks should know by now Dobby does anything for his friends."
"Thank you, Dobby."
"Would I be returning to get miss Tonks?"
"No, Dobby that'll be all." Cassiopeia hugged the house elf and in great shock he hugged her back.
"Thank you." She whispered and she felt him nod.
It was a second and they were both gone and Cassiopeia knew there was only one thing she had left to do, and she hoped to Merlin she was right and her plan would work, otherwise she'd be completely and utterly screwed.
"TOM RIDDLE! TOMMY! OH TOMMY TOM TOMMY! I'M HERE! I HAVE ARRIVED, LET THE SHOW BEGIN!" Cassiopeia screamed and soon enough she heard the rattling of pathetic keys on the door.
She saw Wormtail shivering beside a boy she once knew.
"Step aside, Wormtail, it seems we have a surprise guest."
"Hello, Tom."

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...