"Order of the Phoenix."
When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation.
Cassiopeia was the...
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Cassiopeia loved her family, Her father was one of a kind and there was nothing she loved more than spending time with her loved ones. So when the time came that Cassiopeia had to go back to Hogwarts, she didn't always want to go back and leave her father and mother.
"Cass, Hogwarts was the best years of my life! Plus, you've got two Weasley's in your year, I don't know why you're moping around." Tonks told her while giving her a hug, although when Nymphadora stepped back her hair shifted colour as she noticed the clear frown on her little sister's face.
"I love you Peia, you know that, right?" Tonks asked her sister who nodded and gave her a small smile.
"I love you too."
Nymphadora had caught the eye of one of the Weasley twins, and instantly they both grinned as they saw Cassiopeia with her family.
"Fred! George!" Tonks called out and they carried their luggage towards the Tonks sisters.
"Would you please take care of this elf? She's being stubborn." Tonks teased Cassiopeia.
"Peia, being stubborn?" George asked with a grin and sarcasm filling his voice.
"Never!" Fred gasped in complete shock which made Cassiopeia crack a smile therefore Fred's smile had gotten even bigger.
"You ready Peia?" The twins asked her together.
"I hate both of you." Cassiopeia told the both of them while grinning up to them.
"You love us." Fred argued back as he helped her with her bags.
"Oh, is that so?"
"That is indeed so."
"You're one of a kind, Weasley." Cassiopeia laughed as Fred and George looked at each other with an amused expression.
"Goodbye darling sister!" Cassiopeia shouted dramatically in front of the whole crowd of students as she waved at her sister.
"Goodbye young Elf! I hope one day that you'll be free!" Tonks had always called Cassiopeia 'Elf,' because when she was born their father had made a joke that the baby had looked like the Malfoy's house elf. In fact, it took Cassiopeia a while when she was little to figure out that her name was actually not 'Elf.'
Putting their bags where they were supposed to go and getting on the train, Cassiopeia had met with Lee and Angelina along with the twins for the very long train ride.
"Peia! How was your summer?" Angelina asked the moment she saw Cassiopeia open the compartment door.
"It was great, me and Tonks taught dad about the new pointers in Quidditch, he was completely lost." Angelina let out a giggle as she greeted Lee.
"Hello Lee, good summer?"
"It was alright, although I heard Potter didn't have the best one." Lee told them all as they sat in the compartment together.
"Yeah, mum went mental, after Cedric's death everyone thinks Harry's gone mental. They're lying about You-know-who, and even attacking Dumbledore. Fudge is crazy if he thinks Harry would lie about something like that." Fred spoke quietly.
Andromeda didn't want her daughter's involved with anything to do with the dark Lord, it was bad enough most of her family supported his cruel actions an she didn't want her daughter's to become a target.
"Mum said she believes Harry and Dumbledore, but she didn't want me or Tonks getting involved, then again, Tonks is almost done with her training and if it comes down to a fight, I'm not going to let my sister fight alone. This year we better learn as much as we did when Lupin was our teacher." Cassiopeia agreed with Fred and everyone in that compartment seemed to also agree.
"Can you believe I'm cousins with Draco Malfoy? I'm so glad my mother was disowned, or I'd be just like him." Cassiopeia sighed until Lee spoke up.
"Would any of you actually be able to do it? To kill somebody? Even if it was your cousin?"
"I would. Why? Because they tried to kill Harry as a baby, if that's not saying what type of people they are I don't know what does. Lily and James Potter didn't die for nothing, if anything Harry is the only Hope we have, we've got to trust him, and if he says You-Know-Who is back, then he's back. Why would a child who lost his parents as a baby lie about his parents murderer coming back to finish the job he started? Have we forgotten what happened in Harry's first year? Or second? Or last year? The boy has been through enough and I don't think a handshake will solve this." Cassiopeia had strong feelings and when she knew she was right she wasn't going to change her opinion because someone didn't agree.
"You really think there will be a war?"
"I'll bet my life on it."
Fred and George already knew that a war was coming, everything with the Order, Cornelius Fudge fighting against Dumbledore and Harry couldn't be the start of something good. Despite their mothers outrage the entire summer, about how nowhere is safe anymore, not even in the castle walls, Fred and George didn't want to spend their last year's at Hogwarts in fear. They knew too much of that was already going around, they had a plan and when a Weasley wanted to do something, they're going to do it.
Hogwarts had something planned for the Weasley twins this year, it was a toad dressed in pink frilly things.