"Order of the Phoenix."
When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation.
Cassiopeia was the...
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The silver mist transformed into a hippogriff. Hagrid described them as inpatient, very uptight creatures who are undoubtedly loyal to those around them, that they held the greatest respect for those who have treated them well, but if you ever insulted one, it would kill you in a heart beat. They were confident and Elegant creatures, proud of their own skin, freedom was their best friend.
Cassiopeia was happy she was able to conjure her Patronous, although a little insulted by the choice of animal.
The Hippogriff flew it's way over to Fred and Angelina, and tripped them both over which made Cassiopeia laugh, hearing her laugh Fred smiled. Although Angelina wasn't very happy.
Harry was proud of her, she had done it.
"Thanks Harry!" Cassiopeia smiled at him, Harry nodded while going to Help Hermione.
"What memory did you use?" George asked.
"Do you remember the first time we met? You and Fred kept trying to make me laugh because I was upset, I didn't want to leave my dad but you two told me it would be okay?"
George nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I remember." George gave the girl a hug as he saw her look over to Fred and Angelina.
"It's going to be okay, you have us." George whispered, Cassiopeia chuckled and hugged him tighter. Some students were looking over at the two, but most of them were continuing with the charm.
As the lesson Ended Cassiopeia and George left Fred and Angelina, however as the two were walking side by side each other, Cassiopeia turned back to see Fred and Angelina smiling at each other.
Walking towards the great hall, Filch grabbed his ladder to put a new rule up.
All Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded. An Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge). No Student Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.
Cassiopeia gave Fred a look and they weren't happy. If Umbridge found out about Harry and the D.A meetings, they were never going to hear the end of it.
"Are you thinking what I am?" Fred asked them, but made Cassiopeia jump because she didn't know he was behind her.
"I always am Freddie, I always am." George spoke with a grin forming on his face.
Cassiopeia went to go smile but something stopped her, Fred noticed the girls reaction and watched as her hair turned a shade of light blue.
"What's wrong?" Fred asked.
"You don't get it, do you? What she's doing?" Cassiopeia whispered.
"Taking over the whole school?"
"Yes, but what do you think she's going to do when she takes over Fred? Why do you think she's doing all of this? She's desperate to knock Dumbledore out of his job, I have a theory. . ." Cassiopeia paused before looking at the two.
"She's against Half-breeds, anything of that really, she's agaisnt mix of Magical blood. What's going to happen to all the muggle born student's when she's properly in charge?" Truthfully Fred and George hadn't thought about it.
"What about students like Hermione? She's brilliant, we all know she's one of the best students Hogwarts has, but if Umbridge knocks Dumbledore completely off as headmaster, students like Hermione won't be safe here anymore. I won't be." Cassiopeia told them and Fred and George nodded in agreement.
"Then why don't we just leave?" Fred asked looking at his brother then back at Cassiopeia.
"What? Leave, as in like leave Hogwarts?"
"We've already got our shop plans going, the money Harry gave us really gave us a boost in the process and we don't need our exams if we're going to be our own bosses. Screw the pink toad, and her ways of teaching. We should just leave."
"Molly won't like that idea." Cassiopeia warned him.