Death was strange, it was almost as if it had a lesson for every person it took, for every life that came in its way, that they had been given a gift of life, and so selfishly they had taken it for granted by making more and more mistakes. Death wasn't often forgiving, some people say death often had a sense of humour, but when Cassiopeia opened her eyes, everything seemed to fall into place, the boy with red hair was the first thing she saw, he had a pained expression on his face but she couldn't quite figure out what was wrong.
"Freddie, what's the matter?" She asked and he looked down to her and let out a sigh of relief and held her tightly while wiping a tear away.
"I thought you were gone." He whispered
"But I'm right here." This made Fred chuckle, "I swear if this was you trying to prank us all, you've always been bad at it." This made Cassiopeia laugh, because it was true, she was awful at pranking, she would always give it away to early.
"I missed you." She whispered, however their reunion was short lived as someone coughed loudly.
"Hey Georgie." Cassiopeia laughed, as Fred helped Cassiopeia up so she could reunite with everyone else and officially meet Rosalie, without almost dying, because apparently that seemed to be Cassiopeia's favourite hobby.
"So you say hello to these two before your own sister? Little Elf, that's hardly fair." Cassiopeia held her sister in a big hug.
"What you did was stupid, completely and utterly stupid." Tonks told her sister, Cassiopeia looked over her shoulder to see her mother and father and Cassiopeia let go of Tonks and held them both.
"I thought we agreed to keep you safe?" Her mother asked her daughter but then she looked at her father and smiled, he knew her all too well.
"Can you guys stay? I really would like you to." Cassiopeia asked them, she hadn't seen them since she was expelled, it's not that they had an argument, it was all for their own protection.
"If Sirius would have us."
"Of course, you know you two are always welcomed in my home, despite my mother's charming behaviour." Cassiopeia saw Sirius walk into the room with an all too Sirius like smirk.
"Little Tonks." The two shared a quick hug, because well, Cassiopeia knew he wasn't about hugging too much.
"You're alive?" He asked to make sure she's okay.
"For now." Cassiopeia grinned, but her mother didn't appreciate the comment and Cassiopeia lifted her hands in defence.
"I think there's someone who wants to meet you, officially." Sirius spoke but he sighed for a second after hearing a loud cough.
"There's two people who want to meet you, one of them just doesn't have any patience!" Sirius said the last part loudly so whoever was there could hear him. Cassiopeia grabbed Fred's hand and Sirius smirked.
"Don't worry, she's harmless."
"Is that right flea boy?" A woman walked down the hallway from the living room into the kitchen where they all were.
"Siriusly, Hart, you need to come up with better nicknames then that, that's just pathetic." Cassiopeia saw Remus following behind her with an apologetic smile.
"Really Moony, you couldn't get her to wait for a second?" Remus gave him a toothy grin while walking over to Tonks.
"We better get everyone to bed! It's going to be a big day tomorrow." Molly clapped as she looked around the room.
"What's tomorrow?" Cassiopeia asked with a frown.
"But Mr.Weasley?" Cassiopeia asked but her answer was right in front of her as he was in a wheelchair with a thousand blankets.
"You're back!" Cassiopeia looked at Fred and George in astonishment, "You two didn't tell me?"
"We didn't have the time, besides I was too focused with all this hand holding." Fred spoke as a cheeky grin, Cassiopeia rolled her eyes and turned back to Mr. Weasley.
"It's good to have you back." She told him with a kind smile.
"You as well." There was a slight pause, as silence seemed to overcome the conversation until a loud crash was heard from the living room.
"Sorry!" A voice called out, "You scared me." A mumbling of foul words, no doubt coming from Kreature. The woman beside Sirius scoffed and patted Sirius on the chest before walking into the direction of the noise.
"Shall we?" Sirius asked Cassiopeia, as soon as Sirius spoke those words Molly swished everyone away to get ready for bed.
"You too Fred,"
"I am well aware. Bed. Off you go!" Cassiopeia turned to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Go, I'll see you in the morning." He looked down to her and held his gaze for a second longer.
"I promise." She told him and he nodded, as he let go of her hand and followed his brother that had been waiting for him, who also had a smug smile on his face.

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...