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Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?
Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley however if unavailable, Cassiopeia Tonks will help you on your way!

Gryffindor common room,
for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.

(We regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk.)

Cassiopeia re-read what was on the notice board and she was going to kill them both.

"Hey Cassiopeia-" Hermione smiled, however Cassiopeia was never one for chit chat with yonger years.

"Not now Granger, I'm off to kill two Weasley's." Hermione stepped back as she saw that she wasn't joking.

Marching up to the boys dorm rooms she walked passed Seamus who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but there, she walked passed Harry and Ron who were completely in shock that a girl was in the boys dorm.

"You can't be in here!" Ron shouted at her and she stopped in her tracks to give the Weasley a stare.

"Where are your idiotic brothers?" Ron and Harry both pointed the other way and Cassiopeia smiled politely at two.

"Weasel-bee and Weasel toe! Get your arses down here right this instant!" Fred and George gave each other worried glances but smirked at each other as a plan was forming in their heads.

"Ah, Miss Tonks. If it isn't our favourite sunshine." Fred began, Cassiopeia's eye twitched as she noticed how nice the two were behaving.

"How is our darling best friend?" George asked Cassiopeia with a grin.

"Darling?" Cassiopeia asked the two of them and they both stepped back.

"What did we do?" They both asked and Cassiopeia recited the part time job offers left on the Gryffindor notice board.


"You said you wanted to help us!"


"Remind me never to piss her off." Ron muttered to Harry who nodded.

"We're sorry?" Fred and George asked.

"Why are you being so nice?" Cassiopeia breathed, raising an eyebrow she saw the two make eye contact. Knowing this was their way of having a full conversation without speaking a word, it wasn't twin telepathy, they had been together every single day since they were in their mothers womb.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing!" The two answered together.

"You're both terrible liars, Just . . ." Cassiopeia sighed a little and looked at the twins who genuinely looked uncomfortable. "Next time you put my name on something, let me know, deal?" The two boys grinned.

"Deal." They said together.

"And stop doing that, it's creepy."


Cassiopeia walked out of the boys dorms to be greeted by none other than the toad in pink.

"Miss Tonks would you like to explain to me why you're in the boys dorm rooms?"

"Uh -- I was, talking to someone?"

"Who might that be?"

"Why does it concern you?" Cassiopeia snapped back at the pudgy faced woman who clearly didn't have access to clothing other than pink. Cassiopeia could feel where this conversation was going and she already loathed everything about the woman.

"This is my school, what happens in it, concerns me."

"I think you'll find our headmaster is Albus Dumbledore."

"Are you refusing to follow simple instructions?" Professor Umbridge snapped at the girl sending her a devilish smile. The professor continued by saying, "Are you aware that you're not allowed in the boys dorms?"


"Detention, my office, tomorrow at seven."

"That's bullshit!" Hearing Cassiopeia's voice echo from the stairs the Weasley twins came into the new professor's view.

"Enough! Miss Tonks you will learn to respect your superiors, as well as your professors!"

"Superiors? I hope you don't mean yourself. The only person who I will respect is Albus Dumbledore and that's only because he's helped my family. I hope that you and your hideous pink frilly cardigans don't expect anymore from me." The professor smiled sweetly at the young Gryffindor and almost let out a giggle.

"I beg your pardon Miss Tonks, it is almost as If you thought that was a suggestion. You will be serving two detentions a week for the next five weeks and maybe this change will, sink in." Smiling happily to herself the pink toad turned around and started to walk down the stairs but before she reached the bottom she turned to the young Gryffindor and began to talk once more.

"And If I hear that you have ventured into the boys dorms, the punishment will be, severe."

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