"Skiving Snackbox!" George grinned happily at Cassiopeia as Fred too seemed all too pleased with himself.
"Finished them up just this morning!"
"Considering the fact that you two haven't made me try one only concerns me." Cassiopeia replied, "and that I've never seen you two more pleased with yourselves."
"Skiving Snackbox are a range of sweets to make whoever takes it ill. They develop strange symptoms depending on the type of snack eaten. We thought it would be a good way to make Umbridge angry if all of her students ran out throwing up all over the class room floor."
"Fainting Fancies, Fever Fudge, Nosebleed Nougat, and Puking Pastilles." Fred said happily.
"Those names... are quite brilliant actually." Cassiopeia complemented the twins as she looked at the sweets in front of her.
"So, have you tried them out yet?"
"Yes. Although the Fainting Fancies gave me a real headache after, fell straight to the floor."
"Oh! And we have some volunteers to test them out."
"You do, who?"
"That's where you come in."
"OH, No. Absolutely not. I fell for the Canary Creams I will not fall for this too--"
"You said you wanted to help!"
"Try it on first years not me!" Cassiopeia laughed, although, something inside Cassiopeia regretted what she said instantly.
"No.. I didn't mean it!" However before she could stop them they ran away back into their dorm rooms to do more planning.
Cassiopeia knew they would never intentionally hurt someone, sighing as she sat down she looked over to see Ron and Harry talking about something.
"Hello, Ronald." Cassiopeia greeted him as she sat down next to the younger years.
"You can call me Ron, you know?"
"Yes I do know darling Ronald but you and Professor Potter over here are younger and smarter versions of your older brothers, Fredwick and Georgina, I just came over because I never really thanked you both for saving me that night."
"So thank you."
"It's not a problem, you would've done the same for us." Harry told her with a smile.
"Maybe miniature Weasley, but I'm pretty sure that the boy who lived could handle himself over the density of that foul evil completely and utter cowardly gar-"
"If you hated her so much why don't you make her life hell?" Ron asked her, he knew Fred and George won't sit quietly for long.
"I would but she's not only taking over the school, it's the Ministry too, and the last thing I want is for Tonks to get in trouble for something I've done. I've already caused so much of a mess, but I'm not done. Once my sister is in the clear with the Ministry, Her hand won't be the only thing left with a scar."
"I thought you had to respect your superiors?" Harry joked, but when he said those words a burning sensation built up in her hand but Cassiopeia didn't want to worry the boys since they had so much going on already with everything from the D.A to passing their exams.
"I thought you mustn't tell lies?"
Cassiopeia had decided to head to her first Defence against the dark arts class, she was internally dreading it. Angelina had been so hyped up about the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor and the plan to make Umbridge's life hell that she actually forgot she had to attend one of her lessons.
Walking ever so slowly to her class Cassiopeia looked at her hand. Someone had physically left a scar, and it felt like no one cared. Of course that wasn't true, her sister was fighting every day to make sure people like Umbridge wouldn't have the chance to do this to kids, her whole family that hadn't disowned them had been apart of the order. Hell, even Sirius Black was a member of the original order of the Phoenix.
Cassiopeia was always reminded about what her mother had done when she was younger, about the times where she stood up to her whole family because she knew what she was doing was right. Lily Potter died protecting her son, someone she loved so much that she willingly died because she didn't want to live in a world where darkness won.
She protected Harry because she loved him, James fought Voldemort without a wand, he was completely defenceless against the darkest wizard that they kne only to by the people he loved time to get to safety.
Cassiopeia never thought of the way she would die, the world was dark enough she didn't need her thoughts to be the same, but dying in the place of someone she loved seemed like the right way to go.
As Cassiopeia reached Umbridge's class room she wasn't late nor early.
Stepping into her classroom, Cassiopeia sat at the far back as she waited for students to fill the room, Umbridge let out this high pitched giggle that lasted for a second.
"Turn to page 394 of your text books children."

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...