A faintless breath escaped Cassiopeia's lips as her eyes fluttered open, the blurry eyesight seemed to focus on the lamp shade in front of her.
"Tonks-- Uh, Cassiopeia Tonks, can you hear me? Are you here with us?" Mad eye spoke seriously as he, Sirius and Nymphadora knelt around her.
"That depends, do you have chocolate?" Sirius laughed but held himself from continuing as he earned glares from across the room.
"I would offer you some, but I know you're referring to white chocolate. . . And I just refuse."
"Oh come on Moons, give the girl chocolate." Cassiopeia started to get up with the help of Nymphadora.
"Why do I feel like I've been hit by a buss?"
"I'm surprised your even talking." Moody spoke, as Cassiopeia sat up she looked at Fred and George who refused to look at her, glancing at all the Weasley family she lowered her head in shame.
"I'm sorry, all of you, I'm sorry that Fred and George helped that crying girl on the platform all those years ago, I'm sorry-"
"We're sorry too." Fred spoke as he grabbed Ginny and Ron, along with George and their older siblings and left the room in silence.
"Ron. . ." Hermione whispered for him to come back, but he gave Harry a look which Harry nodded to.
"It's alright Hermione, honestly. It's fine."
The next hours of the day Cassiopeia was confined into a room that she shared with buckbeak, waiting to see what the whole order had to say.
"What do we do about Cassiopeia?" Kingsley asked the rest of the order for their opinion.
"You can't be serious? Cassiopeia didn't do anything wrong, that wasn't her. Cassiopeia isn't a horrible person, I remember after someone made me cry during the Yule ball, Cassiopeia was the first one to ask me what was wrong. I know that doesn't seem like much, but she did it because it was the right thing to do, and I can tell you now, that she almost died today and I can promise you that she doesn't regret any of it. Mad eye said it himself, she was under a spell, You-Know-Who possessed Ginny, who's to say he didn't do that to her? How are we so quick to judge someone? Have we all forgotten what happens to Sirius? Twelve years locked up for something he didn't do! If anyone should be here defending Cassiopeia Tonks, Its Sirius!" Hermione spoke loudly causing everyone to look at Sirius.
Sirius sighed, "I knew." He spoke which made everyone frown.
"If it weren't for the nightmares she was having, the boggart that showed up while she was cleaning certainly did. She's scared of him, she's terrified of him coming back, the fact he's back was enough for her to get expelled from Hogwarts. She described it as being manipulated by him, she told me she wished she had the strength to walk away from him, but something inside her refused to."
"That would be the works of Dark Magic," Mad-eye spoke as his wooden leg moved with him to the front of the table.
There was a knock on the door, which revealed Ginny Weasley herself.
"I know to all of you I may seem like a little girl who has no business here, I know I haven't been given permission to be here, apart of the order, but I'm the only one here who knows what it's like to be controlled by him. I can speak on behalf of Cassiopeia, it's not something you can just walk away from, I would've if I could. I was Eleven when Harry saved me," Ginny spoke as she looked at Harry who gave her a slight nod of encouragement.
"If you think that he wouldn't have done it to somebody else, younger or old, your fooling yourselves. I'm alive, Harry can still fight this, If anything, we should be recognising her bravery. Do you think someone under his power could just spill one of his secrets? It doesn't work like that, I know I'm young, and I know I there's other things I should be focusing on, but if there's someone out there who's willing to fight a war that no one believes in, you should take it." The true Gryffindor had made her point, Ginny Weasley had spoken, she knew if there was something that needed to be said she'd be the one to say it.
"So, we agree that she's the closest thing we've got to You-Know-Who?"
"No. You can't use my sister." Nymphadora spoke up, she was waiting for the right moment before a decisions were made.
"This isn't just about one person Nymphadora."
"Don't call me Nymphadora! Cassiopeia isn't of age, and my parents won't allow it. Watch where you step because your just crossing a line." Remus held Tonks by her arms as she stepped closer to Moody with her hair flaming red.
"Dora. . ." Remus Whispered, holding her in a comforting way, looking at him slightly, her hair changed back to a bubbly pink, but a scowl remained on her face.
"She is able to use Magic, she is of age."
"She's not eighteen yet, can this not wait until her birthday? At least?"
"The dark Lord won't wait for birthday cake Nymphadora! We have to act now. If we want to win this war, like Miss Weasley kindly reminded us, a war that not many people belive in, we've got to use all we can."
"I volunteer to be the one to keep an eye on her, it's not magical, but it's something." Sirius spoke while giving Moody a side grin.
"No, not you. Lupin, your in charge of Tonks."
"Little Tonks and Moony Missions are a go." Sirius whispered to Nymphadora while glaring at Severus.
Hello, sorry for all the same chapter uploads, I couldn't see if anyone was reading the chapters that I had uploaded from days ago (I had to ask someone else if the chapters were actually getting published.) but wow! 3.32K!!! Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it ♡
Also, I know this may be annoying but hello ghost readers, I don't bite, I'm actually kind of nice, and thank you for taking the time out of your day to read by fanfiction! :)
- K

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...