Fred was trying not to sulk in on the sofa because he knew his dad was more important then whatever was going on between his brother and Cassiopeia, he wasn't completely sure if he wanted to know.
Arthur Weasley was badly attacked at the Ministry of magic, Harry Potter had been the one to see it in a dream, a dream that wasn't far from the truth, in fact because Harry saw it, it saved his life. Harry had been one who had saved many lives in the past, including Ginny Weasley, but something about this time seemed different.
'Do you want a drink?' Fred's daydream had been cut off by Cassiopeia's voice as she asked George if he had wanted anything from the kitchen, but he saw his brother get up with Cassiopeia and Fred felt a slight discomfort inside of him.
"Fred?" He looked up at Cassiopeia with a confused look.
"Do you want a drink?"
"What? Oh, no, no thanks."
Cassiopeia gave George a look, she knew this was a hard time for the Wealsey family but she was really worried about the boy who looked like had just saw someone kicked a puppy with two broken legs.
"I'll talk to him." George mouthed, Cassiopeia nodded as she walked to the kitchen leaving the twins behind.
George sat down next to his brother in the smallest armchair in the room, George squeezed in which made Fred laugh, he was never one to be too angry or mad at his brother. It was almost impossible.
Ginny stood up as she went to go help Cassiopeia with drinks as most people from the order arrived.
"Can I ask you something? and I'll never ask it again?" George nodded at his brothers words.
"Do you like her?"
"Who? I mean, Ginny's great and all but sometimes she can be a bit of a prat, plus she's family so I kind of have to-"
"Cassiopeia, Georgie." George laughed, and shook his head.
"What? Why are you laughing?"
"You two are going to drive me to an early grave."
"That's not funny George."
"Right, sorry." He paused as silence seemed to sound out the conversation a little.
"You know, you'll always be my best friend, but you'll always be my brother first. If you do like her, I'd be okay with it." Fred spoke seriously, looking at his brother wanting nothing more than happiness for him.
"I don't like her in that way, she's been our best friend apart from Angelina and Lee, since first year. I know you better then I know myself, I know you like her." Fred didn't have to say anything to know his brother was right.
"Do you think she would like me?"
"She still thinks your with Angelina, Freddie she won't admit anything unless she knows she won't get hurt. "
"I'd never hurt her." Fred told him but by the look on his brothers face, he already had.
Cassiopeia's secrets would keep her emotions locked for as long as she could keep them there, after what she did to Ginny, she could never let herself or Fred believe they could be something more than friends. She had already hurt his family once, if she had promised herself she'd never hurt any one else again unless it was her, and watching Angelina and Fred was enough pain for now.
When Ginny had tried to destroy the diary, Cassiopeia did everything she could to save it. Tom had persuaded her, he promised it was helping Ginny and Cassiopeia was stupid enough to believe him, she would never ever forgive herself.
While Cassiopeia was in the kitchen getting drinks for the other members of the order that had arrived, Cassiopeia jumped when she felt a hand on her back. Looking to the person the hand belonged to, Cassiopeia flinched a little.
"Are you okay?" The girl with red puffy eyes asked.
"Yeah- of course! I mean, yes. I'm very well thank you, no need to worry about me, why what's up?"
"You've been stirring the same cup of tea for two minutes." Cassiopeia looked down to her cup and completely forgotten she was making tea, the thought of Tom had captivated her in horror as her memory had flooded into the present.
"Sorry. Who wanted tea?" Cassiopeia asked, she chuckled but that turned into a sob. Ginny put an arm around the girl, she didn't know why she was in tears, her eyesight became blurry as she wiped her tears away just for more to fall.
"Sorry, right, tea."
"Forget the damn tea, and talk to me."
"I'm so sorry Ginny." Cassiopeia choked, looking at the younger girl.
"Sorry about What? You haven't done any-"
"That's not true. . ." Cassiopeia paused, "You don't know why I'm sorry."
"Then tell me."

Fanfiction"Order of the Phoenix." When Hogwarts becomes an unsafe place, Cassiopeia Tonks learns that if there's going to be a real war, she'd rather fight knowing she can make a difference rather than turning a blind eye to the situation. Cassiopeia was the...