
139 13 1

~Previous chapter~

"Touch her and I kill you."

'Oh fuck Y/n what did you get yourself into now?'

~At the moment~

Tae moves away from you, looking down at his feet. Jimin walks towards you, but stops besides you.

"Look at me!" He screams at Tae.

Tae looks up at his angry Hyung while avoiding to even attempt to look at you. You just stand there zoning out as Jimin yells at Tae, making you look down not wanting them to relize that you were slowly but surely starting to cry as tears threatened to flow out off your eyes and cover your cheeks in salted wetness.You look up as you feel a hand on your shoulder. You can't hold back your tears anymore as you cry, looking into Jimin's watery ears.

'Why is he crying? Why am I crying? What is happening? I am so confused?'

Jimin wipes your tears as you continue to cry. But then suddenly Tae smacks Jimin's hand away from your face, making both of you shocked.

"She doesn't belong to you. Stop touching her as if she's yours."

"Wel she is mine. She was mine the moment I took her virginity"

Without thinking you slap Jimin across his face, making Tae dumbfound.

"You basted. How dare you call me yours like I am a pet, just because you took my virtue. I am no ones but my own. Nobody owns me. And nobody will ever own me like I am an object. I am a human being, so treat me like one." You shout at Jimin. Not even knowing where all of those words are coming from.

Jimin looks back at you clenching his jaw, while walking towards you. He stops in his tracks as Tae walks towards you and standing still besides you. Jimin starts laughing as if you just told him a joke. You and Tae both look at each other, then back at Jimin as you were both very confused by his reaction.

"Hahaha. Oh yeah. Hehehe. Well I see how it is now."

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You're choosing him over me."

"Jimin I am not choosing him over you." You say as you take a step away from Tae.

"So you choose me?" Jimin asked taking a step forward.

"No I am not choosing you ether?"

"Oh so there is someone else. I see."

"No there isn-..."

"Let me guess it is Jungkook isn't it?" Jimin said, cutting off your words.

You were starting to get really frustrated and annoyed by his attitude. I bowl up your fists and clench you jaw.

"Get out of my house. RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!"

You scream at them and they both quickly got out of your room and out of your house as you close the front door behind them. You slide down the door and sit on the floor very confused, angry, frustrated and a lost of other emotions you didn't even know you had. You were just swimming in a sea filled with mixed emotions, trying to figure out what you want and don't want. But that is easier said then done. You just feel like screaming your lungs out and crying until your eyes fall out, but you can't. You need to be strong!

AN~ Hi everyone sorry for the short updates I wanted to update more often so I made it shorter. I have tests starting in 2 days so I will try to make the updates as long as possible. Hope you all enjoyed.❤️

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