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"And then, then I would beg my Noona to fuck me."

He whispered into your ear, making shivers go down your spine, your hair on your arms stand up and a small whimper leave your lips as he lightly bites down onto your earlobe.

You place you hand on his thigh. He grabs your wrist, guiding your hand up towards his crotch. Sliding your fingertips over his skin fit jeans, gliding over his thigh as you feel his breath going a bit uneven. You brush your fingers over his bulge.clearly feeling his growing erection.

You hear a small, but low moan escape the barrier of his pink and full plump lips. You put a little bit more pressure on his manhood, moving your hand up and down, palming him. He places his head onto your shoulder. Making his heavy but hot breathes hit your neck, making a soft moan come out of your mouth, only arousing him more.

He moved his head up, placing soft open mouthed kisses on to your shoulder. You mean your head to the side, giving him more access and also making you more vulnerable to his touch.

"You know Y/n there is still something i haven't told you."

He whispers into your ear.

"And what might that be?"

You breath out.

"That when you make me aroused,I want to sink my teeth into your soft neck and taste your sweet blood,while sending pleasure through your entire body."

You with lightly as the thought of him pleasuring you consumes your mind and your body is quid to react to your thought as you feel yourself going instantly wet for him and his addicting touch.

He licks your neck, making you whimper softly out of anticipation. He smiles against your skin as he sees the effect that he has on you.

"J-Jungkook. P-Please."

You get him.

"Please what princess?"

He continues to tease you.

"Please b-bite me."

Suddenly he moves away from you, making you look at him. His red eyes staring at you made you bite down on your bottom lip. I looks down to your lips, before buying down on his own, making you see his fangs come out. He quickly averted his gaze away from you,making you confused.

'Did I not taste nice? Or did I not arouse him enough? Maybe i smell funny to him. Gosh what was i thinking,begging him to bite me? What am I, a slave?'

"I can't."

He simply says, bringing you out of your thoughts. You look at him, realising that is eyes were back to their original colour again.

"What do you mean by, you can't?"

"I can't, because you don't belong to me and I don't belong to you. So I can't just take your little bit of humanity that you have left away from you, just because you arouse me. It's all just pure must. I mean I actually do love you. But I know even though you love me. You love Jimin more. And I would never be so selfish as to take you as mine, without you knowing what you are really getting yourself into."

"I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"When a vampire mates with someone they love, they bite them. It's a symbolic meaning of I love you and you love me. But when a female is bitten a hormone moves into there systems, making them experience everything more heightened. Male vampires have a feramone, which makes there mates obey their every command and they loose all of their humanity. Yes when the feramone enters your bloodstream, it would feel amazing. Like you are overdosing on pleasure. Your body will do stuff without your concent and you will become a slave to the master which had bitten you."

Jungkook explains dryly.


Is all you can muster up to say. The room fell silent and a familiar uncomfortable awkwardness and discomfort, filled the air around you. You have ruined the whole moment and you knew that.

Kookie stood up, also making you stand up. He wraps his arms around you and have you a warm hug, pulling you towards him. He placed a kiss ontop I your forehead, before pulling away from you and looking into your eyes as he gel into you hands.

"It's not your fault okay."

He reassured you. You just not you head, not knowing what else to say to him. You both walk to the door and exit the room, heading downstairs in silence.

Once you reach downstate you head to the kitchen. When you walked into the kitchen you see Ara and Jimin, busy making food.

"Oh hey Y/n do you feel better?"

Are asked you.

"Yes thank you."

"I hope your breakfast from this moring was okay at least because I haven't made good in a while so I didn't want you to get sick or something from it."

'Wait, she made my breakfast? But I thought that Jimin made it for me. I quess he must really love this girl If he would make breakfast with her. I wish we were like that when we were together. He never did such cute stuff with me, so why would he do it with her?'

You think as it made you really sad.

~Ara's POV~

I don't know why but Y/n suddenly looked really sad when I asked her how her breakfast was.

"Y/n are you okay?"

"Yes, the good was fine thank you."

She suddenly answered me coldly.

Something was really wrong. I wondered why she and JIMIN looked at each other like that. Sometimes it would be her to read the expressions on their faces when they look at each other. It was like they were inlove, happy, sad and a lot of other weird emotions mixed with each other. And then I would sometimes catch a blimps of her facial expressions when she looks at me. She would sometimes look at me as if I stole Jimin away from her, whenever I am standing or sitting close to him.

Y/n and Kookie left the kitchen and went to the living room. Which is when I thought was exactly the right time to ask him.


"Yes Ara-ssi?"

"Is Y/n and Jackson not together?"

I see him clench is jaw and his hands bowl up into fists before he answers me.

"I wouldn't know."

He tried to say coldly, acting like he didn't care but his anger was very visible.

"Jiminie? Do you perhaps like Y/n?"


Hello Mochies, long time no updating. I know, i know. Sorry, tests, projects for school and exams are eating up n energy. But I save up all I my last bits to update to you. Please leave a vote and a comment of you'd like.

I purple all of you!!!

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