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~2 week later~


~Jimin's POV~

I knock on her front door and wait until it opens. As soon as I see her smiling face. Her smile is replaced with a mixed expression showing both sadness and anger. Her reddish cheeks and clenched jaw showed anger, whilst her eyes were soft and censure, filled with sadness and disappointment.


"Don't you even think of calling me babe, or bae, or baby, or any other nickname that proves that you own me!"

I could tell that she was really still pissed at me for what happend between us and Taehyung. After 2 weeks of no communicating I decided that I will come to her and ask for forgiveness. Last time I was here (3 days ago) Liza said that Y/n still needs time and then when I refused to leave before seeing her, Y/n threw a plate at me, almost hitting me.

"Y/n I just want to talk please."

"I have nothing to say to you, except things that might hurt you and me both, so I would rather not say those things and just keep them to myself, as should you." She said coldly, almost no expression on her face.

"Please Y/n, I'm begging you."

"It doesn't look like you're begging."

'What the hell, does this women really want me to get on my knees and beg her, on this thilthy ground, she knows how much I hate it when my clothes get dirty.'

"Yes I know."

'Oh shit I forgot she can also read my thoughts.'

I got down on my knees not even thinking about my clothes, but before my knees hit the ground I felt someone stopping me from going down. I look up, seeing Y/n's face infront of mine. She lightly blushes as she looks away from my gaze. It is nice to know I can still make her blush, even though she is mad at me.

"You don't really have to go on your knees, I also don't like it when your clothes get dirty."

I smile as I see how shy she got from us standing close to each other. I take her hand in mine and look at her. She looks up and straight into my eyes.

"May I please beg you to forgive me?" I ask slowly dying inside.

"Jimin.. I....-" She stops talking while looking down.

"Y/n please, I will do anything, be anything, as long as you forgive me and I can be with you, because I am dying without you Y/n, I love you and I miss you.. I miss seeing you smile. I miss the way you giggle when you get al shy and cute. I miss the way your eyes sparkle when they look into mine. I miss the way you used to hug me. I miss the way we used to kiss one another. I miss seeing you everyday. I miss your body warmth in the middle of the night. I miss the way I used to wrap my arms around you. I miss your smell and the way you always used to trace your fingertips over my skin. I miss touching your soft and smooth skin. I miss you more then I would ever be able to say or show you. I don't own you. Nobody should even own something as beautiful as you. Nobody owns you. You are free to choose your own choices. I love you for who you are, not for what you or anybody else would like you to be. Because believe me or not to me you are perfect just the way you are. Y/n please look at...-"

I stop talking when she looks at me and I see her crying. I brakes my heart to see here cry. And not only that, but knowing that the reason she is crying is because of me. I am the one who made her sad. I am the one who makes her cry.

"Jimin please stop... Just stop... I already forgave you."

She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly as I feel her body move up and down as her hickups come though while she cries.

"Please don't cry princess, I am here okay." I say as I hug her tighter.

She lets go of me as she sips her tears away and she finally calms down as she stops crying.

"But, you are still going to have to give me some time okay."

"Some time?"

"Meaning for the time being we are friends."

"But Y/n...-"

"Jimin please? This is all I ask of you. It is only temporary. Just for a little while okay?"

"Okay, if it will make you feel better. And if I can still you and spend time with you then yes."

I feel my heart dying as I said those words. I really didn't want to do that. I wanted to hold her and make her my babygirl again, my princess. But by giving her time I didn't know that should mean that we are only friends and nothing else. Nothing more. How long was this going to take? How long did we have the be friends? Those questions will bother me for the time being. But I will wait. No matter how long I needed to wait. I will wait for her and I will have her again.

"Hey Y/n what is taking you so lo..-"

My thoughts got cut off by a familiar voice.


"Oh hey Hyung, what's up?" He asked me with a smile as if he didn't know what was going on, as if he was as innocent as a baby.

"Just came by to talk to Y/n."

"Oh, really, well you can stay if you'd like, we are going to watch a movie now."

"Yeah, sure. I mean if it is okay with Y/n, I mean it is her house."

"Actually, it is our house. Like Y/n's house and my house." He said with a smile.

"Wait what?"

"Me and Tae live together now. I mean I am renting out my spare bedroom and stuff for him."

"Oh so you will be staying here, and sleeping here, in the same house?" I was starting to get angry and jelous, but I think Y/n knew that and tried to at least calm me down. She places her tiny hand on my shoulder and looks me in the eyes, instantly calming me down.

"Oh okay. That's cool." I say trying to act casual and act like it didn't affect me, although it did.

But really I mean how am I supposed to win her back now?

When they are living together!

An~ Hello everyone hope you liked the chapter.❤️

Remember to stay healthy and look after yourselves😋

Be good and always have some fun😉

Until next time👋

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