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You walk to the door, unlocking it and opening it, revealing that he was really angry and annoyed with the fact that you are only now opening the door. His gaze leaves you as his eyes land on the figure sitting on your bed. He looks back at you and stare at you intensely, making you feel uncomfortable.

"So what do you want Jimin?" You broke the silence.


"What the hell is he doing in here. And why the hell was your door locked?" Jimin yells in your face.

"Hey man don't scream in her face." He says as he sits up straight.

"Yeah whatever. Anyways, Y/n I need to talk to you right now so can your quest please leave, so that I can talk to you?" Jimin said, giving put a heavy sigh.

"Sure." You say, turning around and looking at him.

"Would you mind giving us some privacy hum?" You ask him, making sure to say the word 'hun' clear enough for Jimin to hear.

"Sure thing babe." He says, giving you a wide smile.

He stood up and walked to the door, timely stopping next to and making sure to give you a visible kiss on the check right infront of Jimin, before sliding past him and exiting the room. As soon as he was out Jimin walked in, closing the door behind him and locking it. You stand still as he turns around and glare at you.

"What did he do to you? And don't even think about lying sweet cheeks, because I know pretty well when you're lying." He says, while taking steps towards you.

"He didn't do anything to me okay, just chill, nothing happened." You say, trying to calm him down.

He walks towards you, until he stops right infront of you, so close that you can smell the scent of his minty toothpaste, along with his strong and manly cologne. He brushes his fingertips over your jawline, traveling down your neck. He grips onto the collar of your shirt, yanking it to the side, revealing the purple bruises that he made on you, just a few minutes ago.

"Oh really. You want to bullshit me and tell me that he's not the one who did this?" He asked you, anger growing in his voice as he speaks.

You visibly gulp as you try to get out of his hold. He pushes you up against the wall, placing both of his hands on opposite sides of your body, totally trapping you from escaping to anywhere. He leans in towards your face as he stares into your eyes. His eyes never losing yours as you both stare at each other. He suddenly places his head on your left shoulder, like he was tired and needed to sleep. You stiffen up, as his arms wrap you into an embrace. You stand still for a while, before you decide to break to peace and speak up.

"J-Jimin? A-Are y-you o-okay?" You ask as he breathes against your neck, just underneath your earlobe.

You get no response from him, which makes you worry. You place your arms ontop of his, as you slightly push away from him as you stare at him face. You got shocked when you saw his tear stained face.

"J-Jimin, are you o-okay?" You ask him again, but this time with more concern and less confusion.

"I just wanted you to myself, but they always get what I want. Why can't I only have one thing to myself. You even leaded him on earlier, didn't you?" He asked as his voice got into a mixture of sadness and anger.

"What do you mean I lead him on, I only gave him a kiss on his cheek. And that was at the waterfall. And the only reason I did that, is because he gave me a towel and I wanted to make you jealous." You say getting a bit irritated.

"Wait,- what did you just say?" He sounded surprise.

"I said I did it to make you jealous, because I know you don't like it if one of them have something that belongs to you, so I just wanted to make sure that you really think that I am owned by you and by non of them."

You say, trying to make sure that he understood exactly what you wanted to happen. You both just stood their and looked at each other for a while, before you graves his armies and push him towards the bed. You lay him down on the bed, as you pull the cover over him.

"What are you doing? Why are you putting me into bed?" He asked, still a bit shocked.

"Because you need sleep. And when your awake, then we can talk about anything and everything that you want to talk about okay. But for now you need to rest and try to calm down."

As you were about to walk away you turn around again, due to Jimin's hand, being places around yours. You turn around and look down at his saddened expression.

"Please. Would you please lay down with me?"

"Jimin I can't-."

"Please, I won't try anything, I just want to hold you until I fall asleep please." He begged, and you soon gave in.

You walked around the bed, climbing underneath the covers and tucking yourself in. Not soon after you feel a strong pare of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against a rock hard body.

"Is this okay? Are you comfortable? Or is it to much?" He whispered softly into your ear, making shivers go down your spine, with each word.

"No no no. Ummmm-. Uhm uhm... No I'm fine thank you. It's okay just go to sleep now okay." You say as you clear your throught, just to make sure your voice doesn't crack.

"If you say so." He replies as he snuggles his face into your neck and shortly after that falling asleep, while inhaling the sweet scent of your perfume.

Soon afterwards you also fell asleep, just waiting for the time that you needed to wake up and face all of this again, but only this time with more of them.

An~ thank you for being so patient in waiting for my next chapter. My holiday started today, so maybe if I'm not so busy I'll be updating more often just for all of you.

Good bye my Mochies❤️

Until next time

Love ya💜

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