Chapter 8

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Y/N pulled Annabeth to her eye level.She glared at her.Y/N's eyes glowed slightly under the sheer 

anger she had

She gave Annabeth a smug smirk.Y/N pulled her even closer.Her lips just beside Annabeth's ear.

Y/N gave Annabeth a peck on the cheek. Annabeth shrieked in disgust and embarrassment she 

squirmed.It was all pointless Y/N had her death grip on.

"Shhhh" Y/N cooed in Annabeth's ear.

Annabeth did not stop.Instead, she shrieked and squirmed more.

Y/N clicked her tongue in annoyance.(Because she is DAM BADASS)

She gripped a handful of the blonde's hair and whispered


Annabeth followed immediately.She felt as if her ability to speak had disappeared

As if it was charmspeak

Y/N smiled in satisfaction.

"Now,do what I tell you or you die"Y/N threatened"You two camps follow what I say or my 

friend"She visibly and obviously gripped her sword in front of the camps."will have to mutilate 

you"Y/N stared at Annabeth the whole time. However, even an idiot could figure out she was speaking to the campers as well.

"Should we begin the game?"she smiled

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