Chapter 13

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~Woooo flashbackkkk~

"Ah!" A yelp of pain escaped eight year old Y/N's mouth.

Y/n shut her eyes tight.Small little beads of tears leaking out of her sea green eyes.Her stomach was laid against the cold metal bed.More like table.Y/n gripped onto the edge of the metal bed.Her small frail body shaking in pain.

She felt the familiar cold and excruciating feeling of the knife dragging through her back once again.Her skin becoming uneven as parts of her flesh came off while the blade was cutting through her skin as if cutting cardboard.

"uuuuaaAAAHHHH" her voice turned shrill as it increased in volume.

"Alright that's enough for this session"The demigod said,voice spoke in a condescending tone.

Ethan Nakamura,son of the goddess Nemesis, wiped his dagger with the piece of white cloth he whipped out of his pocket before tucking it in his holster.He sighed walking towards the girl,whose head was hanging limp off the table her hands still gripping onto the edge.Both her blood and tears trickled of her body and dripped onto the ground.Ethan squatted down at the front of the table and lifted  your chin to meet his eyes.Your dull and teary eyes against his eyes filled with bitterness.

"Hey,no hard feelings"he said more gently"But its what Kronos wants me to do"

"So I'll do it"Ethan's voice turned hard again.

He gave you a taunting smirk before he stood up.Letting your head drop limply again.You waited for the metal door to shut before attempting to get up from your awkward position.You planted your lower arms onto the surface of the table and tried to push yourself up.You bit our lip in agony as  pain rocketed from your back.You panted heavily,chocking back a sob.You shook under the weight and pain as you managed to sit up from your metal bed.

Wiping the tears on your face with your arms,you proceeded to feel your back for the deep cuts on your back.Upon your index and middle finger making contact to one of the cuts instinctively retaliated as you felt it sting upon making contact.You continued to feel your back for the cuts.Ignoring the rough feeling of the bandages wrapped around your body that covered your seven year old breast and your womanhood with short bandage shorts.

(Insert Bandaged girl Drawing)

"One..t-two...three...four"You felt your last wound and whimpered"F-five"You spoke,voice hoarse from lack of hydration.

You swung your legs,swinging off the table.Ignoring the pain you have been experiencing for the two years since you were taken by Kronos.You walked around your cell.The pain does not bother you as much as before,the time when you were first tortured.After all that they have done something like this does not hurt as much.You felt the walls that you were so familiar with.The room you have been staying in for so long.When you first came in,the floor and the wall were silver,metal.Then now, the ground had dried blood stained on it.None of Kronos's minions bothered to clean the cell.It reeked of mildew and blood.You accidentally stepped on a puddle of fresh blood.

"From yesterday"You said proudly with nonchalance.

You lifted your foot examining the amount of blood trickling off your foot with metal shrapnel of Ethan's and Kronos's tools stuck on it as well but that has been there for a long time.You dismissively  wiped the blood off your feet,leaving the shrapnel alone.You continued to walk around the room,not bothering on the small stings on your feet.The room was small you were just going around the perimeter.

"I've been here for sooooo loooonggg"you said out loud with enthusiasm.

You walked around the electric chair.

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