Chapter 9

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As the light slowly left the daughter of Athena's eyes,all Percy could do was watch in horror.He wanted to run ro his wise girl.The love of his life.His first kiss was stolen by her.He loved her.She was the one Perseus was going to marry after the ceremony.He felt that he was stabbed through the heart.Pervy stared at Y/N.Percy remember telling hee his plan.Y/N approved excitedly.However,Percy was no stranger to Y/N.He has the ability's to see right through you.Percy saw the hidden fear behind your eyes.His smile wavered.Now,he stared at you with mixed emotions.He wasn't even syre what emotion to feel at the moment.A tsunami of emotions washed over him. He never knew how could you change personality so quickly and suddenly.Percy finally realised how mych you have changed after the incident.

"Poison contains water" Y/N muttered under her  breath.

She stared at her hands it shook in exhaustion.Not only that but they were misty.Y/N gritted her teeth her mind deciding whether what she was about to do is alright or not.All Y/N could do was swear in her head.She sighed and clenched her fist.

"Fuck it"

Percy's eyes weakly widened in realisation.Completely shrugging off Y/N's language.The children of the sea stood shakily,their exhaustion gravity tugging them to the ground.Percy lifted his hand watching as a bit of poison slowly stood in attention.He brought his fingers together yet mot touching.Misery narrowed her eyes at the two.(I forgot the name but ik she is the goddess of misery sorryy).Misery had her eyes too focused at the two that she did not notice the poison swirling around her body stealthily.Until she felt liquid insert itself harshly into her nose and mouth.

Misery clawed desperately at her throat,leaving red marks on her pale skin.Misery choked and coughed,attempting to stop the poison.Her dark eyes looked up at Percy.

Percy found drowning the goddess in poison oddly enjoyable.His even darker sea green eyes glinted with malice.He had a smirk plastered against his face.He almost felt like laughing at her weakness.He wanted to see how much misery could Misery take.

A hand gripped his shoulder.It made him flinch lightly.Percy turned to see Annabeth.

"Percy stop some things aren't meant to be controlled"she whispered in fear of him.

Percy lowered his hand.The poison fell back onto the floor rippling lightly.Both Misery and Percy fell onto the floor.Even more exhaustion took over Percy.He panted in his kneeling position.

"AHHHH" a scream of agony reached Percy and Annabeth's ears.

Percy looked directly at Misery.Misery screamed in pain.Percy was confused there was no poison going up Misery's nose.Percy turned towards Y/N.Percy gasped at the sight of her.Y/N's eyes held a dark and evil glint.Y/N was grinning so wide and yet it held something sinister,it scared Percy down to the bone.

Misery spat out golden ichor that steamed ontto the contact of the ground.It dawned on the couple that Y/N was controlling Misery's blood.

Y/N never felt as if she was on cloud nine.She felt powerful.Y/N laughed as she tormented the godess.She enjoyed the look of terror and pain Misery was showing on her face as more boiling ichor streamed out of her mouth.

"Whats wrong?Am I making your blood boil?"Y/N teased,mouth curling into a smirk


"Y/N..."Percy called softly


"Y/N"Percy called slightly louder this time


"Y/N!"Percy yelled this time

"WHAT?!" Y/N snapped looking at Percy


Y/N raised an eyebrow questionally.She turned to the unconscious Misery and gasped.She took a few steps back."I did this?"she thought.

"Yes you did"a female whispered in Y/N's mind.

Y/N stared at horror at Misery.

"You monster"the voice said

Y/N hugged herself.Percy stared into her eyes.They were empty and lifeless.She leaned back.Percy ran up to her knowing what was going to happen. Y/N fainted while Percy caught her.He sat on the ground and placed your head on his lap.

Percy noticed a tear rolling down your eye.He sighed.

"Why?"He asked,his voice hoarse."Why are you so unlucky?"

Tears flowed down both of Y/N's and Percy's eyes.

~Flashback end~

OHOHOHOOH I have improved havent i.I tried making it more uh fancy? and better.Well I hope it is better.Sorry I haven't been updating much I was lazy :>

Word Count: 732

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