Chapter 10

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Too lazy to update woops.[edited]

You released your grip on Annabeth.Her feet reached the ground with a thud whilst stumbling slightly but still standing .Her grey orbs remained dull and lifeless .Annabeth stood obediently beside you,her face void of any emotion.

You dusted your hands together and sat at the front of the stage,legs dangling down while staring coldly at the demigods.Your cold stare met Perseus's teary eyes.It hurts.Your heart felt heavy.

The feeling is mutual you told yourself

Sighing, you strided to the other side of the stage.

"Listen up,this game is called..."You pondered for a while but shrugged it off

"Combat war"

The campers took an unsteady step back.Beads of sweat rolling down their faces.The sight of your innocent grin but your cold and calculating eyes has unsettled them.How can a villian look so innocent and dangerous at the same time.The girl that had defended Olympus was gone.Replaced by this monster.

"So basically,I'll be making some water dummies that you'll be fighting to the death"

"HAH!This would be way too easy"Clarisse scoffed a cocky smirk plastered to her face.

You hunched over,shoulders lightly quivering.Your hands immediately went over your mouth to stifle your chuckles.

"HAHAHA"you chuckled,wiping a tear out of your eye.

"Oh dear seems like you inherited your father's stupidity"you teased pointing to your head with a teasing smile on your face.

"Why you-"Clarisse seethed,taking a few steps towards you.

In an instant,you grabbed Clarisse's hair and pulled her head onto your lap.Which followed by gasps all over camp.Her hair poking between your fingers.The daughter of war looked up in fear.Her mouth open in fear and pupils shrunken in terror.Her hands slightly shaking.

To top it all off,you wera holding a dagger with your index and thumb swinging it loosely in your grip millimeters away from the shaking orbs of the daughter of war.

"You...You monster"she said shakily

"Yeah thanks" you said nonchalantly as you stopped swinging the dagger,gripping it with all your five fingers.

Before plunging it into her dark brown eye.

Word Count:336

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