Chapter 4: Accident *

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The next couple of days were normal, as normal as it could get with the Cullens around. Once again, surprising me the Cullens would talk to me when we were in class. Alice kept on insisting that I should sit with them and I keep on saying no, always making up an excuse to why not. The only person that's missing is Edward. Edward hasn't shown up and Bella keeps looking over at their table. "Stop staring, it's getting creepy Bells," I tell her looking over my book. 

Currently, I'm reading a book about werewolves, ironically I like them better than vampires. "He isn't here again," she says making me sigh. I had enough so I grabbed my bag and book. "I'll be back," I said before walking over to the Cullen's table. 

As I was walking over to their table the lunchroom suddenly became silent. Alice saw me coming and gave me a big smile. I sat on Edward's chair putting my bag down next to me. "Hey, Amelia" Alice greeted me.  "Hello Alice, how are you?" I asked her. 

I really like Alice she's so bubbly and friendly.  "I'm fine and yourself?" I chuckle at her excitement. "Well, I'm doing good a little annoyed but good. What about you guys?" I look at them waiting for an answer. 

Surprisingly Rosalie answered first. "I'm doing well thank," she says with a smile. I smiled back at her and her 'siblings' all looked shocked. She just rolled her eyes at them. 

Jasper pointed at my book and raised an eyebrow.  "What I like werewolves, they're pretty" I defended myself holding the book to my chest. Emmet and Alice laugh, Rosalie rolls her eyes and Jasper just chuckles. 

"You believe in them?" Jasper ask me. I raise my eyebrow at him. "Why? Do you?" I asked and he gave me a smile. "I asked first," Jasper said smirking.

"Well, Mr. Hale I do believe in them. I believe in the supernatural. Just because I haven't seen a werewolf doesn't mean they don't exist" I say with confidence. 

"What about vampires?" Emmett asked with a knowing smirk. 

"Oh honey, those are the ones you should be careful about," I tell him in a hushed voice. He raises his eyebrow, quietly telling me to explain. I look around before leaning forward "You wouldn't want to anger one. They're super strong, abnormally beautiful, have super-hearing, super fast and they drink your blood. They can instantly kill you in less than a second. They're the perfect killing machine." I say in a hush voice one again. 

They all look stiff and I felt bad. Always having to be careful around others so they wouldn't know the truth. I wonder how that's like. If I had a chance would I take it or not? 

"But honestly I think they're just lonely. I believe they want to be normal. To not be damned of that kind of life. I mean sure it looks great, never to age, to live forever, to be beautiful, super strength, super speed but in reality at what cost? Is it really worth it? To never know the feeling of growing old, to see your loved ones all old and gray, never see the sun or feel it, to always hide in the shadows. And the  worst of them all to never have kids of your own?" I finish looking at Rosalie fully knowing she wants kids but can't have any due to being a vampire. 

"I wouldn't want to but then again if I can be with the love of my life then just maybe it might be worth it," I say looking over at them with a sad smile. Emmett pulls Rosalie closer and gives her a kiss on her temple. It was silent for a while until I broke it off. 

"Where's the weird one?" I ask them looking around. They gave me a confused look and I sigh. "I mean Edward. Where's Eddieboy?" Emmett laughs along with everyone else. 

"He sick but he'll be back soon," Alice says and I just nod. The bell rang and we went to class. I texted Bella that Edward was sick but was returning soon.

The days passed by and it was barely Wednesday. I went to school like any normal day on my bike and waited for Bella so we can go to class together. For some reason today was different it felt like I was forgetting something important. Edward came back to school from being "sick" and Bella finally stopped moping around. Lunchtime came again, Bella and I were sitting with Jessica and the gang. Like always I had some type of supernatural book on my hand. I was reading peacefully until Jessica called me. I looked up at her, waiting for her to say something. 

"What do you think?" She asked me and everyone else looked at me. I had a feeling it had to do something with the Cullen's because it's always about them. I raised my eyebrow at her and she just rolled her eyes. 

"Bella said that Edward doesn't like her. And I said that he doesn't like anyone so she shouldn't worry about it." She said. I still wonder why I'm her friend. She's so snobby and acted like the damn typical popular girl. She's the Regina George of our group. I mean she can be nice at times but then again it's Jessica. Probably I'm still here is because of Bella. Yeah, that's the reason.

I sigh and looked over at their table. Like always they have food but never take a bite. I mean if they're going to try to act normal might take a small bite. Not look like complete idiots staring at it. I look at Bella and Edward.  "I think it's the opposite. I think he actually likes Bella." I heard gaps from my table and Edward narrows his eyes at me. 

"I mean common you even said it, Jess. The Cullen's do not pay attention to anyone outside their group. And yet Mr. perfect hair over there" I briefly look at Edward and then at Bella and Jessica. "keeps his lovely golden eyes at Bella. Like he's in a trance of something." I turned just to smirk at Edward. Sometimes I just want to go up to him and see if he can hear my thoughts like everyone else. Or am I special like Bella? 

Turning back to Bella and the others with a smile on my face, "I wouldn't even be surprised if they get together by the end of this year," I tell them laughing a bit. I see Bella red face looking down and Edward just staring at me like I'm crazy. 

It's quiet for a bit until Jessica speaks up, once again with her jealousy. "I doubt it" she scoffs rolling her eyes. 

I glare at her, stood up and picked up my things. "Just because he didn't want to be with you. It doesn't mean that he won't be with Bella. If you may excuse me I need to go to the library before class starts. I'll see you later Bells." I pat Bella's shoulder and walk towards the exit door, but not before giving a wink to Edward. I laugh at his confused face. I wonder if this is how Alice feels. Knowing the future while everyone else doesn't, it kinda gives you power over others. Now, I know why Aro wants her.

Once again when school was over and I heading towards Bella. As I was walking down the front school steps I see Edward looking at Bella. She was holding a golden onion and that when it hit me hard. Today was the day that Tyler loses control of his van. I didn't wait for the sound I started to run to her. I knew I looked stupid but I ran as fast as I can. And that when I heard the screeching of the tires. I push Bella out the way before she could get hit. I didn't even notice Edward next to me, hand stretched out pushing my motorcycle away from was. Bella looked over at us closely. I wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything all I was thinking was how Edward could be so stupid. Before we could even say anything or do anything he left while people were screaming our names, asking us if we're alright. I got up and looked around to see if I could see any of the vamps. I looked over and there they were looking at me with worried and concerned eyes. Rosalie looked pissed but concerned. I watched them giving inside their cars and left. As they got in the car I knew shit was going to happen.


A/N: I didn't change too much in this chapter.

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