Chapter 5: Old friends

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The next morning, Bella and I went to the junkyard for the bikes. The place was interesting, they had a lot of junk. We walked around looking for a cheap motorcycle and we found the perfect one for Bella. After that, we went to Jake's house. Bella stayed behind in the car, I went to knock on the door. But I wasn't expecting the person who opened it, Mr. Wolf was there talking at Billy. Mr. Wolf let me in the house, I haven't seen him since my little meltdown and I felt guilty. He was only trying to help and I was being rude to him. We were all alone in the living room, we were waiting for Billy to come back from that bathroom. I felt his eyes on me, I wasn't looking at him, I was too ashamed to do. Ashamed because of the way I treated him and also because he saw me in my weakest moment. Finally, Billy came out, I asked him where Jake, he told me he was down at the old shed behind the house. I thanked him and I left without looking at Mr. Wolf.

When we moved the truck around the back, Bella honked the horn letting Jake know that someone was approaching. Turning off the engine, we walked to the shed as Jake came out wiping off his hand with a rag. He offered us a big smile, but I knew it for Bella.

"Amelia, Bella where have you two been, locas" Jake says as he hugs us, of course, he hugged Bella a little longer. 

"I, uh, we brought you something. It's a little crazy I know" she says as she reveals the broken motorcycle. 

"Wow, scrap metal. You shouldn't have" Jake says sarcastically making me smile. 

"It's from the junkyard," Bella says shyly. Jake and I gave her the no-really look. Bella continues, "I think it'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, but then I thought if I had a mechanic friend to help us out." Jake understood what she was getting at.

"Oh, so I being the mechanic friend," he says with a smile. She nods hoping he'll help us. 

"I understand why Amelia, would ask me since she has a badass motorcycle which she still hasn't let me ride," Jake says as I interrupted him. 

"Probably won't anytime soon, won't be able to handle her," I say making him playfully glare at me. He continues as he looks back at Bella.

"But since when have you been into them?" He asks Bella, she looks over at me and biting her lips.

"Always have, been I been too scared to ride them. But since I'm not really doing anything I thought this can be a good way for us to hang out." It was silent for a while but Bella continues anyways "I get it if you think this is stupid and reckless." I didn't think it was stupid nor reckless. I'll probably do the same if I was her. Maybe not for the same reason but I'll do it. 

"Yea its stupid and reckless," Jake says chuckles and Bella frowns. Probably thinking he was disagreeing with her. 

"So when do we start?" he asks making Bella and I smile. 

And just like that Jake accepted. Any chance he got to be with Bella he'll take it. We began to work on the bike. Bella tried to help out but got hurt in the process of lifting the wheel. So we told her she can take a little break while we did the rest. Halfway through working, I told them that I was getting us some water from Jake's house. They nod and I went inside, praying that maybe Mr. Wolf wasn't still there. I haven't been so lucky lately, because he was still there with Billy, in the living room. I walk inside greeting them and telling Billy if we can get some water bottles. He said yes and told me I already knew where they were at. I went to the kitchen, got three water bottles and headed back. But Billy stopped me to ask me some questions first.

"So what are you guys doing?" Billy asked me as I stood by the door. I was only looking at him, trying so hard to not look at Mr. Wolf. 

"We're fixing up a broken motorcycle," I tell him. He frowns and asked if something was wrong with my Raven. I smiled at him and shook my head. 

"Bella, uh, we thought that it might be a good idea to get a motorcycle and to fix it up. A little fun project and plus we could spend more time with Jake." I tell him. Billy nods and just like that, I left the house. But not before giving one last glance at Mr. Wolf. He was staring at me with a strange face, it didn't seem bad, but a sad one. I wonder what they were talking about. 

I walked back to the shed with three water bottles in my hand.  I saw two boys standing there with their backs turned to me. God, I missed them so much. Taking this opportunity to scare them, I walked slowly not making any noise and scared them from behind. Embrey and Quil jumped and screamed like little girls. Causing Jake, Bella and I laugh so hard. The pups were glaring at me, they shared a look with each other and I knew I was in trouble. I was about to start running, however, Embry got me before I had the chance and threw me over his right shoulder. Bouncing me round, I was yelling for him to stop, asking for Jake or Bella's help. But those traitors didn't help me. They stood in the same spot laughing at me. We were laughing having some teenage fun. They stayed to help us out and later when we finished fixing up the bike, we all went out to the theatre. We went to Bella's truck since we bought it here in the first place. Bella and Jake were in front while Embrey, Quil and I were in the back. The pups and I were catching up with each other. They asked what happen to Cullen and I said they moved away. I gave them a simple and quick response and we moved on to another topic. It was like old time before Bella even knew about the Cullens.

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now