Chapter 2: kitty cat?

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It's been three days since the wedding and everything is going smoothly. We're all in the living room enjoying each other's company. Jasper and Emmett are playing their video games. Alice and Rose are looking through fashion magazines, Emse is on her laptop working on the new house we're going to live in. We all decided to move to London, and hopefully, Carlisle can show me where exactly he grew up. Kellan and Carlisle were talking about the newest medicinal things that were coming to Forks. Oh did I forget to mention that Kellan is a doctor along with Carlisle? Well yeah, they're Dr. Sexy and Dr. Hottie. And I'm here reading an Edgar Allan Poe book, sitting on top of Carlisle's lap. Just imagine a little kid curled up on his mother's lap reading a book, that's how I'm sitting. Carlisle's arms were around me talking to Kellan. I was reading the book until I had a brilliant idea. I slowly look at Carlisle, Kellan stopped talking and looked at me funny. 

"Can we get a cat?" I asked Carlisle, I must have looked like a child opening their Christmas present. 

"Sorry, love. But no" Carlisle says disappointing me.

"But why?" I whined. Carlisle just smiles.

"Because animals don't like us," he says as I pout. 

"Oh common, just let her get a cat, Carlisle," just like always Kellan came to my rescue. Carlisle just shook his head, smiling at my pouts.

"But Amelia you don't even like cats," Roses says and I shrugged.

"Well I just thought, why not get a cat since you guys don't like dogs," I say making them laugh. "Anyways I got to get going. Charlie and I are going out to dinner" I say getting up from my spot.

"You're still eating human food?" Jasper asked with an amusing smile. I sigh. 

"Yeah, I really can't say I'm not hungry because when I was human. All I did was eat, all day long. The dinner even renamed my favorite burger after me. So not eating isn't an option." I tell them and they laugh at my misery. I turn to Carlisle "hey, don't you dare laugh or else I'm going to take you and make you eat it" I say to Carlisle.

"Sorry love but I have years of experience, human food doesn't affect me at all." He says smirking at me. I glare at him but didn't say anything. I went up to my and Carlisle's bedroom and got my purse. 

"Well, I'll see you guys later."  I kiss Carlisle's cheek and went to the door.

"Hey don't forget your contacts" Alice shouts from inside.

"Have them in the car" i shout back as i got inside my car.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>At the dinner with Charlie<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"Hello Charlie, umm, Sue..... Billy"I greeted them as I sat down. 

I was surprised that she was here but I was confused about why Billy would be here. I thought it was just going to be Charlie and me like always. I wonder why they're here?

"Hey Amelia," Charlie greets me with a smile. 

"Hello Amelia," Sue greeted me and Billy just nods. 

Picking up the menu, pretending to look at it but I was really trying to hide from Billy's stare. Yes, I look different but that doesn't mean he has to stare. I was once Sue's and Billy's favorite and now I'm a stranger. I feel like he doesn't trust me around humans. Maybe that's why they're here. They don't trust me or at least Billy.  

"Why do you even bother picking it up? You always get the same thing anyway." Charlie said after a few minutes. I let out a small chuckle.

"If you must know, I just like reading the menu. See if they have anything else I'll want" I inform him. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now