Chapter 2: Intruder

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When Monday came, I went to school with Bella and Edward. Along the way, Bella told me about her visit to her mother. She said that her mother was sad that I didn't come with them. Edward and Bella were once talking about changing Bella. When we got to school we saw Jake standing by his bike. Edward asked if Bella would listen to him if he asked her to stay in the car. Bella didn't even answer him as she climbs out the car. Edward sighs and follows his girlfriend and I tagged along.

"Charlie said you left town" Jake asked Bella, asking me sigh. The whole weekend I told him that she was with her mother. Apparently, my word isn't good enough. 

"Yeah. To visit my mother, why?" Bella asked Jake. Edward scoffs.

"He's making sure you're still human," he says smirking at Jake.

"Look, I'm here to only want you. If your kind ever steps on our land" Jake begins to say but was cut off by Bella. 

"Wait, what?" Bella says confused. Omg Edward didn't tell her. What an ass.

"You two didn't tell her?" Jake asked looking at me and Edward. I honestly thought that Edward would mention it but I guess I was wrong. 

"Tell me what?" Bella asked looking at us.

"Leave it alone, Jacob" Edward warns him.

"Tell me what?" Bella repeated herself.

"Listen to you. Did you lie about getting her out of town?" Jakes says.

"JUST LEAVE. NOW" Edward warns again.

"No, she has the right to know. Bella and Amelia are in danger. They're the ones that the redhead wants." Jakes says to Edward. Bella begins to walk to Jake, surprised and worried all over her face.

"Victoria. Alice vision" Bella finally realizes.

"I was only protecting you," Edward says to Bella.

"By lying to me. And you knew about this and didn't even say anything. What a friend" She tells me. Oh, now im upset.

"What really? Are you going to turn this one me? During the hunt, Sam locked Emily and me in a freakin room. A room." I began to say but was cut off by Bella.

"Whats up with you and Sam? That's all you talk about. Sam this and Sam that. Ever since you met him that all you ever say or do. You follow his orders like some kind of dog. You don't even talk to me." Bell says angrily. She had no right on saying about Sam like that.

"You have no right on telling me that. Ever since Edward and the others came back you haven't even talked to me. You're the one that doesn't talk to me. All your damn free time you're spending with him. You're ignoring me all over again. At least I try to make time with you. What have you done? You may have forgiven them, Bella but you're missing the important thing." Bella was going to say something to say but I stopped her. "No, Sam and the pack have done a lot for us. When the Cullens left who was there to protect us from those damn red eyes. It wasn't fuckin Edward or the other. It was SAM AND THE PACK. THEY WERE THE ONE PROTECTING US WHEN EDWRAD AND THE OTHER'S LEFT US UNPROTECTED. IF IT WASN'T FOR SAM AND THEM I WOULD HAVE BEEN-" I stopped I didn't want to even think about what would have happened if Sam and the others didn't come. I didn't realize I was crying.

"What happened back there?" Bella asked looking sad. Jakes looked sad and mad. He knew what happened. Edward looked shocked and angry. Probably Jake's remembering that day. Shaking my head and wiping away my tears.

"You know what do whatever you want. I'm not stopping you anymore" and just like that, I left them. I didn't even look at Alice and Jasper as I passed them. I wanted this day to be over so I can crawl in my bed and sleep. 

During school, I ignored the Cullens. The tried to talk to me during class but I ignored them not wanting to talk to them. At lunch I went home early, I didn't want to see them. Sam called me asking me to go to his house. I got there and saw Jake and Bella. I didn't say anything to her but I went to my room. Emily gave me my own room at her house. During the night time, Emmet called me saying that I had to go to his house for an emergency. I agreed because it sounded like it was important. I got to their house and saw them all there. Carlisle was bandaging Bella's hand. I ran over to her asking what happen. She told me that she punched Jake because he kissed her. I laughed so damn hard. I couldn't help it but I laughed. We laughed and looked at each other.

"Friends?" She asked me and I smiled.

"We never stopped," I said hugging her. Our little moment was cut off short because they had something important to say. We all sat down, waiting for it to say. Edward explains that he smelled some vampire that was in Bella's room. I held her hand tightly. 

"Who is it? Someone, we know?" Carlisle said looking at Edward.

"A stranger, I didn't recognize the scent." Edward says. 

"A nomad passing through?" Esme says, Kellan was hugging her. I looked at them, wishing I had something like that.

"A passer wouldn't have let Bella's dad alive," Rose says, making sense.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house." Emmett informs. 

"Someone's orchestrating this" Carlisle says looking at me with worry. 

"Victoria?" Bella suggested. She could be right.

"I would have seen her," Alice says.

"Then it has to be the Volturi," Edward says. Or maybe he's right.

"I didn't seem them either. I been tracking Aro's decisions." Alice says. Then who can it be?

"So we keep looking," Kellan says.

"We'll also take shifts protecting Bella and Amelia," Carlisle says to them.

"Another protection detail?" Rose asked.

"No, she's right. You can't protect us, watch my dad and search for the intruder." Bella says.

"And for Victoria" Rose adds.

"And feed yourself," I say looking at Carlisle. He shakes his head

"I'm not leaving you here defenseless," Carlisle tells me.

"And I'm not going to let you starve yourself. and besides, we won't be unprotected. we have..." I start to trail off but Edward notices what I going to say.

"No," he says making me sigh.

"Look it's our only choice. Do you want her to be unprotected? And besides, I'll be with her" I smirk at him fulling knowing he doesn't like the idea. 

"Fine but you'll be with her all the time," he tells me and I nod. The others are looking at us with confused faces. 


The next day, I brought Jake with me to Bella's so he can get a sniff at the scent. Bella, Edward and I were outside waiting on him. Jake comes out of the house.

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind," Jake says. 

"It'll won't be hard to miss the scent when we come to cross it. Will handle it from here" Jake says looking at Edward. 

"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone" Edwards says glaring at Jake.

"I could care less of what you need," Jake says back at Edward.

"Alright we're done here," Edward says grabbing Bella's hand.

"No, you're done here," Jake says walking up to Edward. Bella had enough of it.

"Stop! I'm tired of this. From now on I'm with Amelia. I'm on Switzerland side, ok" Bella tells them, making me roll my eyes.

"God, you guys so are immature. Let's go, Bella. Let's go to my house." I turn to Jake and Edward. " And neither of you guys are coming!" 

Bella and I went to my house and we just talked. Just like old time with no vampires or werewolf with us. Just the two of us, the two best friend. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now