Chapter 10: Reunited

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A/N: Just a quick message, thank you to those who have been here since the start. I really appreciate all the love and support. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. 

Warning this is a long very chapter but you'll enjoy it, hopefully. Another warning is that this chapter has action, might not be good but I tried my best. Also, you might need tissues, some parts are emotional. 

On another note,

Please check out my friend's @Unknown2018x book. It's called 'Me and Tal'. It's really good, please show her some love. 

Enjoy :) 


"Jane and Alec will try and take me out first. I can anticipate their moves" I heard Edward say.

"Sorry to interrupted but I'll be back," I say, walking towards to Edward and the others. Eleazar, Edward, Bella, Garrett, and Emmett were sitting down in the living room, talking about the strategies. 

"Where are you going?" Edward asked me and I sigh.

"Jake hasn't asked Sam to come and train with us so I'm going over there"

"Why you?" Bella asked. I shrugged and she frowns.

"Don't worry I'll be alright!" 

"Do you want me to go with you?" Emmett asked me and I shook my head.

"Carlisle, Jake, and Kellan are with me," I say smiling at him. He nods.

"Be safe," Bella says 

"Always am" I smiled at her. I was heading to the front door where Carlisle, Kellan, and Jake were waiting for me, before opening the door I turned back at Edward.

"FYI, they're not going to take you down because you can anticipate their moves. They're going to take you down because they don't like you" I smirk and left. 

I heard him mumble 'rude' and the others laughed. Walking outside where Carlisle, Kellan, and Jake were waiting for me by the woods.

"You ready?" Jake asked me smiling.

"Not really," I say sighing. 

"Too bad," he says laughing. 

"Jerk," I said before I start to run to a house I just to call home.


I stood outside Emily's house, the wolves were waiting for us. There were some boys I didn't know, they probably barely phrased. Sam was in front of the others wolves, indicating that he was in charge, he was the alpha, that he was the boss. I could see Emily, Rachel, and Kim behind two small boys, they were keeping the imprintees inside the house but with the front door wide open. Emily and I briefly made eye contact before I turn to stare at Sam.

Jake moved to the side, leaving us vampires in the middle. He walked over to his small pack, including Embry, Seth, Leah, Quil and the three other boys from the woods were on the right side of Sam's larger pack. A week after our little fight with the wolves, Quil joined Jake's pack to be with his true friends. The other three joined Jake's pack after they phrased, they chose his pack instead of Sam's. Carlisle moved behind to my left side, leaving me in the middle of the boys. Indicating that I was in charge that I was boss. Kellan was on my right side, he didn't let his guard down for a second.

I was staring at Sam, waiting for him to speak, since this was his territory I was going to respect that. Sam didn't respond, he was busy staring at me. It was quiet and tense, you could feel the intensity of this moment. Jared and Paul were staring back at me and Sam, waiting to see who'll speak up first. No one dared to say anything, waiting to find out what will happen. After a few minutes, Sam took a few steps forward, in the corner of my eyes I would see Kellan and Carlisle stiff a little. Kellan squared his shoulder up, ready for anything and Carlisle was probably coming up with the fastest way to get me out of the way, if Sam attacked. Jake moved a little closer to us, showing Sam that he'll protect us if he decides to do something. I also saw Paul and Jared, moved a little. I heard Emily's breath hitched when Sam moved. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now