Chapter 16: you're staying, right?

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I walked inside a white room, this is similar have been here? I walked around just waiting to see what will happen. I didn't realize that someone was watching me. Minutes went by and no one came out. I was beginning to feel lonely, can someone come out? Beginning to lose hope, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. Scaring the life out of me, I jumped. I turn around and see it's the same Angel I meet when I first died. He was shaking his head and I looked down in shame.

"What is it with you and dying? Are you sure you're not relative to the Winchester?" the Angel says teasing me and I rolled my eyes.

"But really you should stop it. It does take a lot of energy in bringing you back," he tells me. 

"What are you like my guardian angel?" I ask him. He nods proudly.

"Well, you're not doing a good job. You let me die, twice. And plus you didn't even explain to me the rules of the whole going into another dimension." I say and it was his turn to roll his eyes. 

"Whatever, look you're going back and please try not to die," he tells me with a sassy attitude. I sigh and nod. Then next thing I knew I was feeling a lot of pain. 

Beeping, some annoying beeping wasn't letting me sleep. I tried to lift up my left hand to turn off my alarm but instead, a massive pain shot right up my whole arm. I groan and tried to open my eyes. At first, I couldn't open my eyes then when I tried to open them the light bothered me. So I closed them and reopen my eyes slowly this time. I see Charlie sleeping uncomfortable on the chair near the door, Bella was sleeping, her head resting on my bed while she was sitting. I didn't see anyone else, I tried to sit up but everything hurt. Once again I groan, loudly this time, waking up Bella. She looks at me, smiles and nods and goes back to sleep. Then she realized that I'm awake and screams and hugs me tightly. She woke up Charlie, alarming him, but once he sees that im awake he runs over and hugs me with Bellas still there. At that moment I couldn't ask for anything else. I was with my family, I was safe and I was alive for the second time in my life. 

"Im so happy you're awake" Bella says wiping her tears away.

"What the hell were you thinking? See this is the reason why I didn't want you girls going alone in the first place!" Charlie yells at me. I looked at him confused what is he talking about.

"Mmm dad, I think you should get the Doctor and tell him she's awake" Bella tell Charlie. He was didn't want to but agreed. Once he was out the door, we waited to a few minutes to make sure he wasn't listening, Bella began to talk. 

"You gave us a real scared, Amelia. Your damn heart stopped I thought I lost you" she begins to cry once again. This time I was the one wiping away her tears. 

"I'm fine, Bells" I gave her a reassuring smile and she nods.

"Carlisle took the venom away, James' died, Edward killed him, the women Victoria got away and I broke my leg," she says. 

"Oh and that we were kidnapped by some guys when we landed at the airport. One of the kidnappers knocked us out, but I managed to send a text to Edward saying where we were. Dad was mad that I didn't send it to him but I think he's more hurt if I'm honest. Oh, and they managed to get away before Edward came to rescue us. That he found us like this, all beaten up and bruised." Bella informs me of our cover-up. At that moment, Charlie, my doctor, Carlisle and Edward came in. Once I saw Carlisle, I remember the beautiful voice saying that his true mate. A part of me wanted it to be true and another part of me knew it wasn't. He had Esme, she was his wife and mate. 

They all came in, Charlie and Edward went to my right side where Bella was at. My Doctor stood in the middle of the room and Carlisle stayed in the back, away from all of us. He wasn't making eye contact with me, which made me think of negative thoughts, he's probably blaming me. Thinking I'm such a bad girl, that I'm not responsible enough to take care of myself. 

My doctor explained that I popped a major vain in my left arm but that I shouldn't worry. He was able to fix it but I'll feel pain for a few days and he'll give me some pills for that. Also that my right hip was dislocated but like my arm, he was able to fix it and that I'll feel some pain. I need a cast on my left arm and my right leg. The arm I understand but why my leg? He said so that I wouldn't put pressure on my foot and that I should let my hip rest. Okay, that kinda makes sense.

 After my doctor explained to me everything I needed to know, he and Charlie went outside to talk more and to sign papers. Bella and Edward left so they can give Carlisle and me some privacy. Before Edward left he stopped and whispered something to Carlisle. He nods and Edward left with Bella. I'm not going to lie, I felt weird. I didn't know if the words I heard where a dream or not. After a while, neither of us talked, I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say something that will upset him. I moved a little to my left side to make some room for him to sit down. I patted the bed, indication for him to sit down. He didn't move just continue to stare at me. After the second time I patted down he gives in and comes over.

"Thank you for saving my life, Carlisle. If it wasn't for you I won't be here." I tell him honestly. If he didn't stop the venom, I would be a vampire right now. Or if he didn't act fast enough and take me to the hospital, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be breathing. 

"I'm the reason why you're here if I didn't... I couldn't stop, Amelia. I'm sorry." Man, I hate seeing him beat himself up. It wasn't his fault that Bella and I are so reckless. 

"Hey, it's aright. You're only human" I tell him with a little smile. He shakes his head and looks down in shame. 

"But I'm not..... That the problem... I'm not human" I stopped him by taking his hands. I put my left hand on his hand and with my good right hand, I placed it under his chin. Raising his head with by his chin I smiled at him.

"Just because you're not human, doesn't make you any less of a human," I tell him. He stares into my eyes, searching for something, what was it. I don't know, but I guess he found it and nodded. It was quiet for a while. I really didn't mind, I could stare at him all day if I could. 

"Just take my thanks and its let us move on, okay?" I tell him and he agrees with me. Once again it became silent. I wanted to ask him but I was afraid of his answer. Did he really say it or did I dreamed it? He must have felt my worried because he asked me what wrong. I was going to tell him but decided against it. 

"Mm, are.. mmm... you're staying, right?" I asked him. he looks confused by my question. I sigh. 

"You're going back with us to Forks, right? You're not moving away?" I asked him looking down. This time it was his turn to make me look at him. 

"Yeah, we're staying. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon" he gave me a smile which I fully return. 

One day I'll ask him the one question I'm dying to ask him. But for right now, he isn't leaving anytime soon. It can wait. Even if I did dream it, I'm okay with just being by his side. 

For now, that is...

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now