Chapter 11: Doctor Appointment

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Sunday was our lazy day. We ate junk food and watched movies all day long. I decided to stay over the entire week, of course, I asked Charlie for permission first. He said that he didn't mind and that he preferred it when I stayed over. he didn't want me to be home all alone. I left Mr. Wolf a note, saying that I'll be over at Bells this week but will be back the following week. To forgive her for not leaving water or clothes, but if he needed her he can howl and I'll go straight home. Obviously, that didn't happen. (-_-)

This week went by really fast. On Monday after school Bella and I hung out with Jake and the pups (Embry and Quil). We went to Jake's house, got some ice cream and Quil had an idea of going to the movies. He wanted to see the new action movie 'Abraham Lincoln: The Vampire Hunter' (A/N: did see what I did there >.<) We all agreed and went. I had so much fun and it let me the other side of them that the movies/books didn't say. It made them more real. Then on Tuesday, we went over to Angela's house to do homework. Bella and Angela had to finish their history packets. On Wednesday I was supposed to meet up with Jasper for our history project, but he bailed on me. Saying he had some other things to do, but I knew the real reason. They know that Bella is about to figure out the secret so they're just avoiding any interactions with us. Either hoping I wouldn't help her or that I wouldn't find out. This whole week they have been ignoring us, they even ignored me during class. Jasper wouldn't be my partner, he asked if he could be by himself. He must have caused the teacher to feel scared of him because he agreed with him. Even Alice is ignoring me and its Alice. Whatever's, not like I care or feel hurt but it's okay. Then on Thursday, I decided to bake a cake for the Swans and it didn't work out. I made a huge mess in the kitchen, it took Bella and I two whole hours just cleaning it up. I know Bella would never let this go, EVER! It didn't look edible but it tasted great, well according to Charlie. Bella and I didn't want to get food poison so we let him eat it, all. On Friday it was anti-rainy, so it was sunny. During school, the Cullens didn't show up making Bella more intrigued. 

When we arrived home from the beach she told me what Jake said. She was so determined to find out what they're hiding, she looked up The Quileute Legends. Turned out there's a book about it in Port Angeles, right outside of Forks. She wanted to go on Friday after school. Sadly I couldn't go with her, I had a doctor's appointment after school. When I told her I had a doctor's appointment, she got worried, but I assure her I was okay. I was just going to get a physical check-up. During lunch, the girls wanted to dresses shop for prom. And they were going to Port Angeles, just the place Bella needed to get her book. So she was going with them and since she'll be there she'll pass by the bookstore. Knowing Bella she'll be there for about the third dress and she'll leave. I promised her that I'll be at her house when she got home. Pretty sure when I came out of the doctors, Charlie is going to Billy's and I think I'll tag along.

After school, Bella was getting ready for the trip, while I was sitting down on the couch, munching on some potatoes chips. Bella comes down the stairs, fighting with her sweater. 

"Do you need any help?" I tease her and she sticks out her tongue. 

"Well I'm going already, I want to be early just in case its full," I tell Bella and she nods. Before I leave Charlie calls out to me.

"Hey Amy, is it a female doctor or a male doctor?" Bella and I look at her with a confused look, he sighs "I just want to know." I smile, knowing that he wants me to be safe.

 "Female Dr. Garcia," I say and he looks relief and nods. 

"Oh, and hey you still going to Billys?" I ask him opening the front door. 

"Yeah, why?" He looks up from reading the newspaper. He's so old school. 

"Can I come? Since Bella going to take most of the day?" He smiles and nods. I smile back and say my goodbyes to them. I get on my bike and drive off to the hospital.

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now