Chapter 8: Visiting*

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After school, I went home to get somethings I needed for this project. But the main reason why I went was to check if Sam came. Since I saw Sam I would leave some water and some shorts, just in case, he would show up. Sam would drink the water and take the shorts but he would always do it when I'm at school or sleeping. I once tried to stay up at night to catch him but manage to fall asleep. I remember sleeping outside to wait for him but when I woke up the next morning, I was inside my house. At first, I thought that maybe one of the Cullens took me inside but once I found the note I knew it wasn.

Thank you for the clothes and water - Mr. wolf 

A least he was polite about it and locked my front door. However, tonight I'm determined to catch him. I didn't need to be at the Cullen's house until 4 pm, so I went outside to see if I could catch up with Sam. I didn't go that far because I didn't want to get lost and plus I had to be somewhere. I didn't get far from my house until I spotted a black hair wolf. He was hiding behind some bushes, but me being me, I couldn't help but go after him. I started to walk towards the shapeshifter but stopped when he gave a low growl. I stopped and looked around to see if it was me he was growling at. Well, it was kinda obvious it was because it was only us. 

"Mr. Wolf, why are you growling at me?" I gave him a childlike pout. He let out a doglike scoff and that made me laugh. "Oh, common Mr.Wolf let me give you some water and maybe you would like some bacon?" I started to walk and before I had the chance to turn around he was already by my side. 

I smiled, knowing that Sam was really hard to get his trust but somehow he trusted me. I walked back to my house while Mr.Wolf waited outside. I came back out with a bowl of water and lots of bacon. I sat down waiting for him to finish. He looked at me and his bowl of water, which was now empty. I went back inside to get him more and when I came outside he was laying down on the ground. I set the bowl down and sat next to him. We didn't talk or anything but shared a good silent moment. I was debating on touching his fur, my hands were fiddling, aching to touch his hair. He must have known because he put his head on my lap. At first, I was shocked, I mean it not like Sam would do something like this, right? Or maybe I got the wrong person and this wasn't the Sam I know-well from the movie. After my shock, I started to pet him. I must have done something right because he gave out a satisfied sigh. I smiled and continue petting him. I looked down on my watch to see it was nearly 4 pm, I sigh and stop petting him. 

"Well Mr.Wolf I'm sorry but I must leave you now. I have to go to my friend's house and do a project," I said turning to him. Mr.Wolf gave out a small whine and at that moment I knew I got the wrong wolf. Sam wasn't one to show any type of emotions, he was the great alpha. The one the pups would look up too.

 "Mmm but if you want you can come back, later on, I'll give you more bacon." His tail moved side by side and I took that as a yes.


I was near Jasper's house when I just realized that I must have smelled like a wolf. Will this complicate thing? Would they think I'm like a wolf or anything? Maybe they would just ignore the smell? I parked my car in front of his house when I notice he was standing outside with Alice. Coming out my car I notice they scrunch up their noses in a disgusting way. Oh, yeah I do smell like dog, hopefully, they do not ask any questions.

"Well hello there" I tried to not make it as awkward. They gave me a tight smile, maybe they're thinking I'm associated with the wolves. "Well don't just stand there, Amelia. Let's go inside" Jasper opened the door letting Alice and I in.

I stopped halfway and looked around, this place is amazing. Way better than the movies and way bigger. I was admiring the place that I didn't notice that the rest of the vamps were already there. 

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now