Chapter 7: history project

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I finally came back from my little 'break'. Bella told me what happened between her and Edward during the field trip. I'm glad that I didn't go because who would want to go to a greenhouse. And besides knowing Bella she wouldn't let Edward go until he answers her questions. It was a miracle that she listened to me back in the hospital, she's so damn stubborn. Now she's more suspicious about them. She convinced that they're hiding something. I'm trying to buy them more time by lying to her or making some lame excuse. I really don't want to lie to her but first, she needs to meet with Jacob Black and he'll give her more information. I truly believe without Jake being involved than she wouldn't know where to look.

I was walking inside my history class when I notice that Jasper was missing. Normally he's the first one here but lately the vamps been ignoring Bella and I. Honestly I understand why they would ignore Bella, she's been asking about the Cullens more than usual. I believe she's about to discover their secret but why would they ignore me. I'm not sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. I'm not asking around, looking for them, or even paying attention to them outside from school. I'm more interested in finding the wolves than anything else.

Sitting down at my desk not paying attention, I started to think why would they ignore me. I haven't done anything for them to stop talking to me. Mmm wait... no... I haven't. I'm pretty sure Alice or Edward saw something that would make them get suspicious about me. Damn well, there goes my chance of being friends with them. I'm disappointed that they didn't talk to me.

I was so lost in thought, that I didn't know class had begun. I felt someone tapped my shoulder, looking up I saw Mr. Stephan with a white paper. Taking it from him I saw that it was instructions for our project 'The Civil War'. I looked over my left shoulder to see Jasper but like I expected he didn't even acknowledge me. Once again I felt disappointed and sad. What did I do so they wouldn't talk to me. I give a small sad sigh as I looked over the instructions.

"Good morning class. This whole week we are going to learn about the Civil War. Does anyone know what year it started?" Mr. Stephan asks us. The class was silent, I would have thought that Jasper would say something. Him being the youngest Major of the Confederate Army and all, but no, he stood there looking all bored.

"Or have any idea.... at all?" Mr. Stephan sigh. He was about to say something else until I spoke up.

"I believe it was about the issues of slavery and the central power that divided the United States. I'm pretty sure it started around 1861 and it lasted about four or five years? Wasn't the president at that time, Abraham Lincoln?" I asked him, Jasper looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I really don't pay much attention in class but The Civil War always gets to me. I mean it was known as 'the war between the states'. It reshaped us, made us become better in a way. And in a way, it doesn't seem that we have moved on.

"You are correct, Ms. Amelia," my history teacher said with a smile. Looking back at the class, "The Civil War started in 1861 and ended in 1865. Mainly fighting between the North and the South. This project will be in pairs. I want you guys to come up with a 5-page essay about the civil war. You can write anything about it, just has to be about the civil war. Am I clear?" he asked us. But of course, us being teenagers and all, we all groaned when he said the 5-page essay.

Mr. Stephan named off the pairs and guess what. I got the best partner of all times. Not only is he attractive, smart, has good looking hair, knows about the civil war but he lived through it.

 "Mm, do you want to meet up somewhere after school? We can go to the library, meet at my house or we stay here after school?" I ask Jasper a bit timidly. 

Jasper stayed quiet for a while. "How about you come over to my house? My father has books about the civil war." Jasper says looking at me with a smirk. Damn, I was so dreading him inviting me over to his house. I mean not because it's full of vampires but because I might see Dr. Sexy again. Another disturbing thought, was the smirk because he asked me to go to his house or because he has books about his past life?

 "Mmm yeah, sure just give me your cell phone number and your address so I can meet you there." Jaspers nods and hands me his cell phone so I can put in my number. "Want to come over today so we can have a head start on it?" Jasper asked and I nod. We started to pack our stuff to go to lunch.

Am I really going to the famous Cullen's house? It's like a dream come true but then again it's full of vampires. Vegetarians vampires more like it, but still vampires. I sat down in my regular spot so lost in my thought. I didn't notice the small smiles I was receiving from their tables.

Meanwhile, at the Cullen's table, Jasper was explaining about the history project he had with Amelia. Alice was thrilled that Amelia was going to her house after school and Rose was happy but couldn't help feeling a bit concerned that Amelia might discover their secret. Emmett's happy that he will have a chance to talk to her since the accident, and Edward was a bit confused that he still couldn't fully see Amelia's mind. It was not like Bella's mind but something different. Something was blocking her mind and yet he could still listen to some stuff. Yes, her thoughts were faint but if you listen to it carefully you can hear something. Listening to her thoughts were always confusing. They never made sense and when Edward thought he finally understands something. He hears another of her thoughts and he is back in square one. He really does like Amelia, she's a nice person always smiling and treating people with respect. Maybe that's why he felt like he needed to protect her and he wasn't the only one that felt like that, his siblings felt it too. The day of the accident, Edward read their thoughts. They were thinking about Amelia's wellbeing along with Bella's but more about Amelia. And also how stupid he for almost blowing up their cover. Edward still hasn't figured out that Amelia knows about them.

Back with Amelia and Bella, "Hey wanna go to my house and help me with my biology homework?" Bella asked Amelia.

 Amelia look at Bella before shaking her head, "sorry but I'm going to Hale's house after school to do a project," Amelia told Bella.

Upon hearing that the whole table become silent. They were all shocked that Amelia was going over to their house, no one been there. "YOU'RE WHAT?" Jessica shrieked causing the Cullens to look over at their table looking somewhat annoyed and amused. 

Amelia sighed loudly, "oh zip it, Jess, it's nothing to make a big deal about it." And with that, Amelia stood up and left the table without looking back. Amelia past the famous vamp's table and gave them a small smile.

ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ: 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐑. 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐨Where stories live. Discover now