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Like I said in the last chapter. There is some mature content in this chapter. If you would like to skip over it you go ahead or you can stop reading :)

"I'm starving" Jack and Ayla said at the same time.
"Yeah me too" Finn and i said at the same time. We look each other for a few seconds. The other guys were just starring at us as if they are waiting for us to start arguing.

Finn starts smiling and I start laughing, soon enough me and Finn and on the ground rolling around and laughing.

Finn somehow ends up rolling on top of me. We both stop laughing and just looking into each others eyes again.

"Finn," I whisper.
"Yea?" he says while leaning in slowly.
"I'm hungry" I say while leaning up as well.
"Me too" he giggles.

Our lips eventually meet. His lips are soft, like clouds. Out lips love in sync as he bites my bottom lip. We both smile and pull away.

"Lets go get some fo- holy shit they are making out!" Jack says while pointing to me and Finn.

Finn quickly gets up and looks at me with that weird look, the one you cant tell if he is mad or happy. He storms off leaving my lying on the ground.

I get up and run my hand threw my hair trying to figure out what just happened.

"What just happened" Ayla asked.
"Wish I could tell you" I responded, holding my head in my hands.

"Did you guys- you know... Kiss?" Malcolm asked.
"Uhh... Ye-" a familiar voice cut me off
"No we did not" it was Finn. He was obviously mad again.

Man this bipolar bitch better quit acting like a 4 year old you thought to yourself.

"That's not what it looked like to us" all four of them said in unison.

"Can we just get something to eat? Please" I asked trying to switch the subject.


The concert was over. We were all back at the trailer and getting ready for bed. Ayla and the boys were in bed. I was eating an Apple at the kitchen table looking at Instagram.

I got done the Apple and it was currently 12:28am.
Wow I should go to bed.
Nah I'm good

You thought everyone was asleep until you heard someone jump off of a bunk. They opened the sliding door on the boys side.

It was Finn

"Hey," I said as he took out a bowl and the box of lucky charms.

He didn't say anything. He just poured the cereal and milk in the bowl and got a plastic fork then sat down on the couch right next to the kitchen table.

His hair was all messy. When ever he took a bite of cereal he would just stare straight ahead at the sink and not say a word.

"Can we talk about earlier?" I asked breaking the silence.
"No" he responded. His voice was all crackly and wispy. It sent chills down my back.

"You can't act like that never happened when clearly it did. Why did you invite me to come but told the others you didn't and act like a complete asshole the whole time, then you kissed me and blew it off like it was nothing?" you said a little annoyed.

"You kissed me too," he said not moving his eyes from the same spot.

"I-" I didn't know what to say to that.
"Look, we were both high, the kiss meant nothing. Can you just forget about it" he said finally looking at me.

I didn't know if I should be mad or sad with what he just said. How could you forget a kiss like that?

"Yeah sure, whatever" you threw your Apple core away and started walking to your bunks when suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

You turned around to see Finn starring at you. "What are you doing?" you asked shocked.

"Shhhh," Finn pulled you to the couch and you both just sat there for a minute, his arm on the back on the couch behind you.

You moved closer and faced him. Once again Finn started to lean in. So did you, until you remembered.

"What the fuck are you doing" you said and pushed his shoulders back right before your lips were about to meet.

"What do you mean?" he said confused
"You kissed me at the concert and told me to forget about it and now you want to kiss me again? I don't think so" you got up again and walked to your room and got in bed.

You thought you liked Finn. You thought you started catching feelings. You liked that little game of hard to get you guys were playing. You knew Finn liked you too, whether he was going to admit it or not. Well you hoped.

What you didn't know was why he was trying to blow you off when he was around everyone then act soft when you were alone. Well for the most part.

You laid in your bed for 10 minutes before you heard more foot steps. Then you heard the sliding door open to the boys side. Then it closed and you heard nothing again.

You wanted Finn but at the same time you hated him with every bone in your body. You also loved what he was doing but hated it at the same time.

Wow i guess I'm the bipolar one

You couldn't fall asleep so you put on some music and put in your ear buds. Turned to your side and closed your eyes.

Finn was still on your mind but the music helped clear it some. Within 20 minutes you were sound asleep and so was everyone else in the trailer.

The day didn't end in a good note but at least the day was over.

Hey guys it's me, I really would like your feed back on this book and my other one. I know what I want to do with this but I want to know what you guys think I should do or what you think will happen on this story and my other one. Please vote and comment. Thanks munchkins
Word count: 1051

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