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You woke up to the smell of something burning. Ayla wasn't in the bunk under you so you got up and went to the kitchen.

"Oh, Good morning sleepy head." Jack said with something black in his hand.

"What is that" you said pointing to the thing Jack is holding. "Oh, this? It's a burnt pop tart." ayla cut in holding a new box of pop tarts.

"What's burning?" Finn said walking out of their rooms, rubbing his eyes. His hair was so messy.

"A pop tart" Jack said while throwing the pop tart away.

You ended up eating two waffles and a yogurt while Jack and Finn ate pop tarts and ayla and Malcolm had lucky charms.

(wow I'm only at 122 word and I have no idea what I want to write now the rest of this chapter will prolly be really crappy)

"Okay guys we are leaving at noon," Jeff, the guys who scheduled the tour, said.

We all started to get ready after Jeff left, our first show is a two hour drive. We don't need to pack because we are staying in the RV and all out stuff is already in it, so we just need to go grocery shopping.

Jeff drove us to the grocery store and we got snacks and some actual food. After we were done at the store it was time to head off to our first stop, LA.

Jeff is driving us.

"Lets play a game to pass some time." Ayla suggested. Everyone looked at her waiting for her to tell us what game she wants to play.

"Lets play truth or dare" she finished. Everyone agreed.

"Okay I'll go first," Jack said. "Y/n truth or dare?"

"Dare" you answered
"I dare you to pick truth next time"
"Okay, my turn. Finn, truth or dare."

Finn looked like he was shocked that I asked him.

"Um.. Truth?" he say hesitantly
"Why do you hate me so much"
"How can I hate you, I barely know you? You're just annoying." he answers and rolls his eyes
"Oh, thanks" you say sarcastically

You all feel the RV stop and then Jeff comes to the back. "Okay kiddos we are here, we have 2 hours to unpack the equipment until the people start arriving then 2 more hours til the show starts." he explained while unloading the truck.

We all helped unpack and set up, soon the people started arriving. Even though the venue could only hold 300 people there were a lot more then 300 people in line.

I started playing with the lights to get adjusted to them while Jack, Malcolm, Finn and Ayla started warming up.

I was way in the back where no one could really see me but I could see the stage.

We went back stage and that's when my anxiety started acting up. I started pacing back and forth trying to keep my breathing under control.

Even though no one could see me I was still scared. Like what if I messed up, everyone would hate me and I would ruin the show for the guys and Ayla.

I felt a hand on my shoulder which scared the living shit out of me. I turned around to see Finn holding a water bottle without a cap. I thought he was going to spill it on me.

"Please don't spill that on me" I said while putting my hands up in defence.

"Wasn't planning on it." he replied
"Oh. Phew"
"I saw you were getting nervous and I wanted to tell you it will be okay, and wish you luck" he said and took a sip of his water then put the cap on.

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