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I woke up the next day to knocking on our door. Sadie and Sophia stayed the night and so did the boys. I have no idea about iris but if she did she wasn't in our room. All I know is that everyone was up pretty much all night. I heard some arguing and talking but I just tuned them out.

Sophia got out of bed and answered the door. "Hey man, she is still sleeping. Why don't you go take a shower, you smell like alcohol and I'll wake her up when you're done." there was a long silence for a moment.

"I already took one Sophia. But I don-" I didn't know what he was about to say but I didn't really want to know either, I hoped off of my bed and saw sadie and Ayla were awake as well watching Sophia and Finn talk from their beds.

"Move bitch, get out the way." I said in a playful tone, pushing past Sophia and out the door. I waited for Finn to follow behind but he just stood there with the door wide opened watching me like a dumbass. "Well you wanted to talk to me?" I asked with a annoyed tone.

I wanted him to explain and tell me he loved me just like I loved him and that iris was just because everyone was either drunk or tipsy. I wanted him to pull me into his arms and tell me everything was okay and that iris was just a friend and last night meant nothing. I wanted him to kiss me under the pale moonlight like the way we did when we were at the concert before tour. But I knew that wasn't going to happened because Steven Spielberg doesn't direct our life.

"Look y/n, last night with iris, I'm sorry." he said running his hand through his hair revealing the dark circles under his puffy eyes. "You're sorry? That's it? You expect me to forgive you and act like nothing happened after I thought we had something going on and you started making out with her?" I did want to forgive him but not that easily.

"Don't get me wrong, she seemed like a cool dude and all, 10/10 would date her if I was gay but like I really liked you and I thought you liked me. And what you did really hurt, so sorry won't cut it this time" I finished, crossing my arms trying to warm me up. It was 10am and I was in a tang top and shorts, it's a little chilly.

I don't know if Finn did this to try and 'win' me back or because he saw I was cold but he walked up to me and pulled me so close I could feel his breathing. I laid my head on his chest and started to tear up. When he realized I was crying ever so softly he ran his fingers through my hair and told me it would be alright, just like I wanted, but It wasnt.

"No finn, it won't be alright" I backed away a few steps but still only a small space between us. "You've fucked up and I don't know if I can just forget about it and act like it never happened. I mean do you even like me? Or are you and iris a thing?" I finished off whipping my tears.

"No, me and iris are not a thing, I don't like iris like that. I don't even know what got into me last night. I was drunk and probably high but so was everyone else besides Sophia because she wanted to watch over us all. And I do like you y/n. Yesterday when you went out with your friend Peyton I got jealous and I guess that's why I did what I did. I'm not saying it's right or anything.

"I'm sorry, what can I do to make it up to you?" he looked at me with a exhausted look but generally sincere. I thought about it for a minute and got the perfect idea. "There is a concert tonight, red hot chili peppers. They are performing at 9 tonight. If you take me and the guys I'll guess I'll forgive you." I said as seriously as I could.

"So it's a date." he winked and turned around to go inside. "I never said that Wolfhard. Like I said you've fucked up pretty bad, give it some time." I said and brushed his shoulder while walking past him trying to get inside.

"Concert at 9pm tonight, everyone is coming. Oh, and jack, bring what ever you had last time." I told everyone who was all in the living room and kitchen before i walked in the bedroom to take a shower.

I heard Finn walk in and everyone start asking questions as I was getting my stuff ready. "What did she say?" "how did it go?" "did you guys make out again?" "did you even say sorry?" everyone except sadie asked. "You told her you would take her to the red hot chili peppers concert tonight didn't you?" sadie asked.

"Oh shit man. You're in even deeper shit now." caleb said shaking his head.

"What are you guys talking about?" Wyatt asked.
"The tickets are sold put, they've been sold out for months because we were going to take her to see them, knowing it's one of her favorite bands but they were sold out" Ayla said.
(sorry if it's not, just go with it for the sake of the plot line)

"Shut up guys, I don't need you all telling me how fucked I am not. I just need you guys to tell me what I'm supposed to do now." Finn said getting loud.

"I know some people," sadie took out her phone and put it up to her ear "remember the time me Gaten and Caleb saw foo fighters? Yeah those tickets were sold out too." the phone kept ringing.

"Yeah well you were backstage. Y/n likes being in the crowd enjoying the concert with everyone else." Finn ran his fingers though his hair again. He seemed to do that a lot today.

"Shut up Wolfhard. I got this, I know her better then you think." sadie hushed everyone and started talking in a very manor way. "Uh yes, it's sadie. We have a problem..."

I walked away from the door and Sadie's voice faded away, trying to understand why Finn would tell me he could take me even though he couldn't.

I decided to forget about it and act like I never heard a thing, if he couldn't take me that's that. At least he tried. For now I need to take a shower and get this alcohol smell off of me.


After I got out of the shower I got dressed. I threw on some jeans and a plain dark yellow shirt and walked out into the living room and kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey girlfriend" Sophia said and flipped her non-existent hair. "Hey babe, how's it going?" I joked back and making a bowl of cereal.

Everyone was on their phones or watching me, it didn't phase any of us when we watched each other do things anymore. The trailer was so small and everyone was constantly bored so we would watch each other and joke around like idiots.

"It's going pretty good if I do say so myself." me and sadie have to run out in a few but when we get back we'll get ready for that concert of yours. We are all excited." Sophia said

"Yeah, especially Jack. He is surprised you are allowing him to bring his 'stuff'" Wyatt laughed. "Uh yeah, just don't tell mom." I said towards everyone but looking more at Ayla.

I sat down and started eating my cereal. I could not wait for tonight.

Wow, you guys kept commenting for me to update and I just updated 3 days ago but because I love you all so much here you go. I'm also going to try to update my dark necessities book in honor of 2k+ reads on this book. It honestly means a shit ton to me. From getting all these comments about how much you all enjoy this book and want an update to all the reads and crap, I take it all to heart. Love you all so much 💛
Word count: 1419

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