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Finn walk out of the room and his hair still a mess, but at least he put his shirt back on.

"Did you guys do... You know..." Everyone looked at Sadie with a confused look. "Ugh you guys know I don't like saying the word." she finished.

"Well actually I don't know anything about you." I said sarcastically.
"She means did you guys do it. Like you know, the nasty?" Sophia, the other red head said.

"Ew no. With her? Are you serious?" Finn acted annoyed, once again. I just rolled my eyes and walked past him back into the bedroom. Finn clicked his tongue at me which meant he was annoyed, so he saw me roll my eyes. What a surprise.

"Are you trying to sneak back in there to make out again?" Caleb asked
"Dude no, we didn't make out to start with, and I'm just trying to take a shower and get ready for the show in.." I looked at the clock on the microwave "...one hour. Is that okay with you guys?" I asked annoyed at Finn and everyone else for always thinking we are always making out or doing something.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry. Go ahead." Ayla said. She could tell I was getting mad. "What did you do in there Finn?" she whispered but I could hear. I shut the door behind me and listened to their conversation.

"I didn't do anything. I just asked her why she thinks she can go wonder off only a few hours before a show. If she wasn't back when she came back we could of been late." he said, he is such a terrible liar.

"I wasn't born yesterday idiot." Jack said
"Plus, it doesn't take 45 minutes to say that." Jaeden said.
"And we didn't hear much talking in there." chosen also said. I just laughed and headed to the shower.


I got out and got changed. I put on a black and white striped shirt that went right above my belly button and jeans. I made two messy lose side braids and out on my dirty yellow vans.

(i want yellow vans so bad like you don't even know)

When I walked out of the room everyone was sitting on the floor or at the table or on the couch. "Are you ready? We have 30 til the show starts now because of you." Finn said.

"Yeah, that's not what you were saying in the room with me earlier. But yes I'm ready and let's go"  I remarked.

After all the 'Ooo's and 'ahhh's Finn finally said something. First he mouthed 'shut up' then he said something out loud but I couldn't hear what because I was already outside getting in the van.

Yeah yeah, I haven't updated and this is a short chapter but I'm sick and I'm at home so this is what I managed to get. Sorry if it sucks, my head isn't together all the way today. Butttttt I hope you enjoy. Its about to start getting juicy. Anddddd I only have like 32 days of school left and half of them are taken up by 8th grade activities because next year is high school and 8th grade gets to do all these things in honor of graduating middle school.
Word count: 552

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