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(Part Two)

We finally got back home and Finn and I walked into the girls bedroom, with his arm around my back, which was right by the front door.

We threw off our shoes as he pinned me against the wall. "Wait" what i had just startled Finn. "Okay" he backed away "did I do anything wrong?" he asked as I walked towards the door. "No"

I walked to the kitchen where everyone was sitting and grabbed a bottle of water. "Me and Finn are doing some studying so can we please have some time without being interrupted, for once?" I asked them.

"What kind of studying do you have to do when you don't go to school?" Jack asked. "Well, just in case you all forgot, we are homeschooled. Just because we don't go to public schools we still need to keep our grades up. I actually want to go to college." I replied

"Now, please?" I motioned to the bedroom door and they all nodded.

I walked in and took another sip of my water before scaring finn, who was leaning against the wall looking on his phone.

I snuck behind him and wrapped my arms around his slim waist and rested my head on his back. He turned around and engulfed me in a huge hug.

His chin rested on my head because I was shorter then him while mine on his chest.

"Man, you are short. People probably think your my younger sister or something."

"Shut up and kiss me already." I responded waiting for him to bend down a tiny bit so I could kiss him, knowing he was taller and I couldn't reach his lips.

Our foreheads were resting on each other as we let the whisps of our breaths linger. "Love you y/n" he said right before smashing his lips onto mine before I had a chance to catch a breath or set it back.

I was shocked for a quick second but i kissed back without thinking twice. The kiss wasn't completely lustful, although there was some there, it had passion, enjoyment, love.

Our lips moved so perfectly in sync it was almost like we were one person. He turned me around so now my back was against the wall and the kiss was getting more and more intense.

Finn moved one hand from my cheek to my back and the other to the back of my thigh. I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the bed and threw me down, not separating out lips.

I moved back and so did Finn, so we could breath. I started to pull my shirt off leaving my bra as did finn.

Finn bent back down and once again our lips were moving so gracefully in sync. His soft yet plump lips brushed against mine sent chills down my spine.

Finn moved his lips to my chin, softly biting but still kissing. It hurt like hell but it was also pleasing. Then he moved down to my collar bone, and did the same thing that he did on my chin.

"My turn hot stuff," I flipped him over so I was on top and started kissing his collarbone.

The night continued without getting interrupted, surprisingly. The next morning I woke up and Finn wasn't there.

I got out of the bed and found sadie, sophia, and Ayla laying in the beds. I walked into the living room and saw 2 of the guys sleeping in the living room area.

I was the first one awake this morning, once again, a surprise. I decided to go to dunkin donuts and get everyone a glazed blueberry donut with coffee.

When I got back everyone was awake now, considering it was almost 10am now and we had a show tonight that was right on time.

"I got everyone a blueberry donut and a cup of coffee," I passed everything out to everyone with a smile. It was weird, I felt energized and giddy this morning.

"Look who is in a good mood." Caleb said, winking at a shirtless Finn.

Once I got to Finns coffee and donut I had to say something. "At first I wasn't going to get you anything but I figured after last night you might need something to wake you up."

Everyone looked at me and finn, " I thought you guys were doing studying" Sadie said
"Oh we were. What made you think otherwise?" I asked
"I just thought- maybe sense- you did-" she stuttered.

"Ew with him? As if!" after I said Finn gave me a glance.
"Just because we're dating, Never in a million years would I ever with her, now maybe I would bang sophia but Wyatt has that in the bag." he winked at me.

"I bet you would, hot stuff" I said before heading to the girls room to take a shower. After last night I need a shower.

I smell like a mixture of weed and alcohol and coffee. I took off the very light scarf I was wearing to hide the marks finn left on my chin and neck along with the rest of my clothes.

I couldn't continue to keep wearing scarfs or turtle necks so I don't know how I'm going to hide these. Or how Finn didn't even get caught.

I can't even remember if I remember seeing anything in him. He had to of used makeup to cover it up, only I hate makeup.

I turned on the hot and cold water, fixing it until it was the perfect temperature before I climbed in.

"2 hours kiddos" I head someone yell, obviously not any of the kids because he had a deeper voice. Probably our manager telling us how much time before we leave for the concert.

Speaking of concert, Finn and I have to act like we hate each other so no one gets any hate from anyone.

Hey guys, it's ya girl. I finally updated with a actual chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in over a month, I've been really busy. But we are now out of school, since as little over 2 weeks ago and I'm leaving to go to Florida in 4 days so I'll try my hardest to update but I can't make promises. One more thing, please vote for me under "best Finn Wolfhard fan fic" on 's awards book please. And thanks for 5k+. Love you guys
Word count: 1081

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