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A/n there is a lot of angst that is about to happen so prepare yourselves. I feel like you guys will like it tho. Also I want to make this clear real quick: I got some of the ideas that is about to happen from a handful of other books But most of this is my ideas and words.

It's been a month since Finn made the announcement at the LA show. Tonight was the last show of their tour, Finn was going back to Atlanta to film season 4 of stranger things. His birthday was also in two weeks and you couldn't even see him then because of filming and you have to go back to school after tour.

This is Finn and your junior year of highschool. Finn is turning 17 in two weeks while you're turning 17 in two months. (if that's not your birthday just go with it for the sake of the plot line) February 23rd.

Finn said that he is working things out with the duffers so he can plan little pop up shows with the band during filming so they don't just disappear. You have also talked to everyone about actually playing an instrument. You showed them that you are really good with the drums and Malcolm could use a drum buddy.

They approved and after the tour, while they have pop up shows and everything after that you would be playing the drums with your buddy Malcolm. At first you felt like you were stealing all the fame from him but he seemed generally excited about the idea.

Tonight you guys are performing in Baltimore Maryland (they really need to come to Maryland man) you were excited because this was the last show for this tour But At the same time you didn't want it to end. It was a bittersweet moment.

This past month you had 25 shows in 30 days, you guys were exhausted but you all love them and seeing the fans dance around to your music and music that you loved.

Over the course of the month you and Finn have been to a few parties. Every time you and Finn end up getting drunk and having a hangover the next day or getting high and forgetting everything that happened the night before.

There was this one night, after a performance you, Finn and Jack from IT went to where they offered some of these white pills. Everyone else were taking them so you decided to try them as well. The dude that offered them to you and Finn and Jack said they just helped you loosen up and have fun.

"Are these safe?" you asked Finn but jack answered.
"Yeah they are fine. Finn and I have used them a few times before. Just try not to get addicted" he said sarcastically.

"Wait what do you mean 'try' not to get addicted?" you asked confused.
"Oh babe, these things are like heaven, it's hard not to get addicted. You just need to know when to stop like Jack and I. That's the only reason we haven't gotten addicted." Finn said and swallowed the pills and put his arm around your waist, waiting for you to take the ones in your hand.

There was only two and it was quite easy to get down. You didn't feel anything at first but as the night went on you felt free, like what ever you did tonight, no one would judge you.

You guys drank a little too but nothing else considering the fact you have taken those pills, you didn't really need anything else.

It started getting late so you decided to head home. You called an uber because no one was in any shape to drive. Once you got to the trailer everyone include Finns acting buddies were there waiting for us to get home.

Finns friends have stayed with us for a while because they don't have a life outside of acting.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Ayla asked
"At a party, why do I need to tell you where I go, you're not my mom. Plus I was with Finn and Jack so I was safe." I replied.

"First of, it's 4am, so we were all worried because as soon as the concert was over you guys left without saying anything. Secondly, when your out with just Finn and Jack this late it's never good news." Jack from the band said.
"I knew this would happen, why did I let this happen." Ayla mumbled but everyone heard.

"Knew what would happen? That I would actually be having fun for the first time in my life? Finn makes me happy, and the things we do don't concern any of you. Ever since me and Finn started dating and going out together I've felt happy, free. Like nothing in the world matters."

"That's exactly what I mean y/n, Finn is a great guy and all, he is my best friend, we've been friends ever since I moved to Canada. But he doesn't always have the best habits and they are rubbing off on you." Ayla said a little annoyed.

"You guys are acting like I'm not here" Finn said leaning against the fridge like nothing they were saying even bothered them. "Plus I'm not going to let anything happen to her. I won't let things get out of control, we are just having fun and enjoying these young years." he finished.

"No finn, look at you three, you are all high as shit from who knows what, this isn't the kind of life you want to be living y/n, what would your mom think?' Ayla said but to you it sounded more like a threat.

"Don't you fucking dare bring up mom now. We just had a little fun. Now drop it because I have a whole lot of shit I could pull out about you but I'm not going to because I love you and I'm not going to let our separate lives destroy our friendship, Ayla." I was now starting to raise my voice. 

"Just please be care y/n. But if I think that this 'partying' even starts to get out of hand then I will not hesitate to let your mother know whats going on." she 'threatened' again.

"I bet you would." I rolled my eyes before giving Finn a kiss on the cheek and heading to the girls room. Finn and I have been sleeping together, taking turns in which room. 

Even since that night Finn and I haven't been to a party. But tonight, in celebration to this being our last concert we are going to one. This time, everyone is coming with us.

Heyoo it's ya girl. So I wanted to update yesterday but I realized after I woke up that it was my birthday and I didn't have any time to. But uh I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know how you think this is plot change is. Also comment what you think is going to happen next ;). Don't forget to vote for me in @so awards.
Word count: 1198

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