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I was the first one in the van. Then it was Ayla, jack, Finn, Malcolm then the rest of the crew.

"Ah shit, I forgot something inside. Jack come with me" Ayla said eyeing him just to go with it. It really amuses me because she thinks I don't see what she is trying to do.

She likes jack!

After both of them got out the van she whispered something to him, I'm assuming her undying love for him, then went to get back in the van.

"It's to crowed to climb back in there, just scoot down and me and Ayla will sit down here" Jack said pushing everyone down until I was sitting next to Finn.

How could I be so clueless?

After a little ride we got caught up in traffic. The show now started in 20 minutes. There was no doubt we would be late. "Someone call Henry and tell him to set the stage up for us so we are ready whenever we get there." Finn said panicky.

"On it" Jeff, our driver, said. "Thanks bro" Jack said, putting an arm around Ayla.

5 minutes passed and we still were about a 15 minute drive but with the traffic it was a 30 minute drive. "Okay someone call Henry back and tell him to tell the fans we will be at least 15 minutes late to the show, but it's still happening. Merch is 15% off to make up for it." Finn said stressing this time.

"On it" Malcolm said this time. "Thanks," Finn replied.

Another 5 minutes passed and I started getting bored and my eyelids started feeling like they weighed 100 pounds. A 15 minute nap won't hurt any. I lied my head back and dozed off for a little.

Finn woke me up, shaking his shoulder, "dude wake up we should be there in 5 minutes" I didn't even realize I fell asleep on his shoulder. Ifuckedupbigtimenow

"That just means 5 more minutes I can lay here. They won't notice if you don't bring attention" I whispered in finn's ear and took a drink of my water.

"Oh sweetie, darling, sugar cake, pumpkins, they already saw, that's another reason why I woke you up, so they couldn't get anymore pictures." Finn said pointing to everyone typing away on their phones.

"Guys please don't post that, I don't want people thinking we're dating. I hate Finn and he hates me and that's that. If you post it everyone is going to ship it and start a while lot of shit I don't need right now. I fell asleep and accidentally' leaned on finn's shoulders, I didn't do it intentionally. Plus I'm pretty sure I have Ebola or something now cause of him." I said trying to persuade the annoying teens not to post anything.

"What ever you say y/n," Caleb said winking at me. "Thank you" me and Finn both said, his head snapped towards mine and he clicked his tongue again, something he's been doing a lot lately.

I'm actually starting to get tired of this, pretending to hate Finn. I mean I do but... Its complicated. Saying I hate him make a me feel bad and when I said it, Finn looked like someone just slapped him.

I looked at him, trying to see what I actually liked in him. Now I think about it, he really is an ass. Probably just using me to be his make out buddy or something. He doesn't notice me looking at him, he is just staring at his phone texting someone. I wonder who?

"Omg guys, my best friend I haven't seen in months is coming to our show tonight. She is asking where we are because they let the fans inside the venue and they are getting annoyed." Finn spat out so quickly I don't even think Jack Grazer could understand him.

"Who is this she?" Wyatt asked "first off let's just make a few things clear. We aren't dating but I would 10/10 smash, but that's beyond the point-" Finn answered.

Wowowowow that kinda hurt a tiny bit.

"Her name is Iris. We used to date but we broke up when she moved, you know long distance? Yeah that shit doesn't work. But she is moving to Canada sooooo." he finished.

I could feel my eyes burning and they felt dry but they were very far from being dry.

"I hope yo- you enjoy yourself Finn. Sounds like a lovely lady. Can't wa- wait to meet her" my voice sounding like Janis Joplin's from beginning to cry. I mean what? I don't cry over boys. What are you talking about, I don't even like Finn. Actually I hate him. With a burning passion.

He looked at me with his glassy eyes. Once he saw the hurt in mine he looked away.

(haven't done this in a bop)
×Finn's POV×

I looked over at y/n when she said that. Well everyone did. I don't think anyone expected that to come out of her mouth. Not in a million years. They all either thought we were madly in love and used the 'i hate you' motto to cover it up or we just simply hated each other.

When I looked over her eyes and cheeks were a shade of pink I've never seen on her before. With a blink on an eye she had dark circles under her eyes. But I don't understand why.

She can't really like me, we are just friends with benefits. I mean we say it to each other all the time, but I thought that was to loosen the mood a little. She couldn't really mean it.

×Third Person POV×

Finn and y/n did like each other. Finn was in denial because last time he claimed to like someone he lost them.

When they admitted they liked each other, they both really meant it at the time. Now thatFinn has what he lost back, Iris, he claims he doesn't like y/n.

But sweats, who on the planet earth would ever believe he doesn't really love y/n. Okay like*, love is a little strong.

Once he looked at y/n, there was a rush of sadness that swept over him. He didn't know what it meant so he just brushed it off. He was now convinced he loved Iris.

Y/n was heartbroken. She has never really fell for anyone before like she did Finn. And this was why, she was scared of getting hurt.

They arrived at the venue and scattered on stage while Finn's acting buds hid in the crowd.

Y/n felt sick standing in the back, watching Finn and the rest of the band perform. She didn't think she could possibly make it through the night but she did. But tonight Finn didn't introduce her to the audience like he has before.

After the show she rushed to the bathroom and bumps into, the one and only, Finn Wolfhard. Whoop dee doo.

"I'm guessing we aren't still doing what ever you were planning on doing after the show now? I mean I get it, Iris is here so you're going to drop everything. Just maybe let me know what you actually want so I don't get hurt again." Y/n said trying to hold back tears.

Yeah ik. Its bad but I think this is my favorite book out of all the ones I have going on rn. So I need to catch up on my dead beautiful book because I don't have anymore drafts and I'm screwed. Thanks for 1k on this one. Vote and comment please? Thanks.
Word count: 1283

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