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I tried to avoid them as much as possible. I went to the fridge to get a water then went to mine and Ayla's room. I was about to close the door when I felt a slight tug on it causing me to not be able to shut the door.

I turned around to see Finn. He looked mad, but then again when doesn't he?

"What's up?" I asked with a slight smirk hoping that would make him more upset. But he just slammed the door shut behind him ignoring my question.

"Can I help you?" I asked again, this time a little annoyed.
"What do you think you're doing?" he finally replied while crossing his arms

"Me? I'm not doing anything right now but I might take a shower in a second. Why, what are you doing?" I asked knowing that would annoy him more.

Surprisingly he calmed down and acted like a normal being, "about to ask you if we could go do something?"

I was taken back by what he has just asked me. "Like what? Don't we have a concert tonight?" I asked remembering that we only had a few hours til the concert.

"Yeah, but after I mean," he gave me a smirk this time. The classic smirk all the other fan fictions seem to have that my friend Aaron is always talking about.

She is obsessed with the IT cast and the movie itself. When she found out that I was working with him and his band she flipped her shit.

"Oh," I thought about it for a minute while I took my shoes off on one of the bottom bunks. "Yeah sure,"

Finn started walking closer to me when I stood up, trying to get ready for a shower. "Only under one condition." I said which surprised him.

"And what's that?"

"You have to tell me what's going on between us,"

"Hmm..." he took some time to think about it before answering. "What do you want to happen between us?"

I wasn't quite sure what I wanted. We just met about 2 weeks ago, I'm not ready for a relationship but I am enjoying what's going on here. I just don't want to be a side chick or Finn move on to some other girl because we aren't a thing.

I didn't really want to answer the question so I just walked closer to him, leaving about a inch between our faces only because he was taller then me so I had to look up and he had to look down.

Our bodies touching while he slithered his arm around my waist pulling me closer even thought there was no way we could possibly get any closer.

I tried to lift my head closer to his but he kept pulling his away.

"Such a tease, finnie boy"
"What do you mean?" he asked, acting clueless.

I reached my hands to his thick curly brown hair and pulled his head down to my level so our noses touched.

I let our breaths linger for a few seconds until Finn said something.

"And you called me a tease." we both laughed.

(wow I just realized I hate this whole chapter so far but I'm too lazy to restart it )

He finally places his soft lips on mine. I can taste the salt from what ever he ate for lunch on his lips.

He moves his arm from the bottom of my back to my neck then slips his other hand under my shirt.

His cold hand makes me shiver which makes Finn giggle through our kissing.

I walk against him, pushing him back onto the bed I took my shoes off on earlier. He flips me over so I'm laying on the bed and he is on top of me.

I push him back up so now he is sitting on me. We both stop for a second to catch our breath, for the first time in minutes.

I trace my fingers on the bottom trim of his shirt before I try to pull it off of him but somehow it gets stuck in his messy hair, so he take it off the rest of the way.

While he is pulling his off I take mine off as well. Leaving me in my bra and pants, and him in his black somewhat skinny jeans.

When he gets his shirt off and sees that I have taken my shirt off me presses his chest against mine and we lock lips again.

"You.... Know that they..... Are still out there....Finn" I say in between kisses.

"Yeah.... I know, and?" he responds and stops for a second.

"And? And are you trying to do it with me in this tiny ass bed?" I smirked while pressing my nose back against his.

"No, not just yet." he says right as he presses his lips against mine once again.

I run my hands through his hair right before he bites my bottom lip softly then moves down to my jaw.

"Okay,okay I don't think either of us can afford to have hickeys while we have shows every night." I saw pushing him over so I'm on top.

"But," he starts but stops once I run my finger up his back to his neck leaving chills.

I give him one last kiss and put my shirt back on, leaving Finn laying on the bed without a shirt and crazy messy hair.

When I walk out everyone is staring at me. Except now there is some other people that look familiar but I can't quite tell who they are.

"Woah" two red heads and a tall skinny boy with curly hair like Malcolm's say.

"Yeah they've been in there for about 45 minutes" jack says rolling his eyes and nudges me.

I try to ignore them waiting for finn to decide to come out, while looking in the fridge for something to eat, again, but there isn't anything.

"This is Wyatt, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy, Jaeden, Caleb and Sadie," Malcolm says pointing to each one, "and this is Y/n" he finishes pointing to me.

Wow, yup, Okay this sucked but oh well. I haven't updated in a WHILEee and I don't want this book to be a flop because I'm starting to enjoy it. Anyway I'm thinking about deleting my iris×Finn book which only has 2 chapters and making a new one based off of a book series I adore. Also, I paused my dark necessities book which a lot of you prolly found me and my books from. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment ideas and/or tips on new chapter ideas or how to improve my writing.
Word count: 1124

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