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Hours past and it was getting closer to the concert. I didn't really care what I looked like because it was a concert, a time and place just to have fun and I didn't need to stress about and outfit. I just needed to make sure I wore something suitable for the weather so I wouldn't get hot.

Everyone started to get home and we started to pack things for the concert. Sadie and Sophia were running late. "Anyone heard from the gingers?" I asked

"Uh yeah, they should be here in a minute." Finn replied while running his hands through his hair, yet again.

I nodded and went to the bathroom to brush my hair and put it up into a low ponytail just so it was out of my face.

"Hey can someone get me a hair tie ple-" I got cut off by Sadie and Sophia walking in. "Is everyone ready?" Sadie asked with a smirk.

"Yeah can I just barrow a hair tie? Then I'll be ready to leave." I asked and Sadie threw me a hair tie.

"Okay let's go." Jack said and we all started walking out to the car.

It was dark outside already but it was a beautiful night. The sky was full with stars and the moon was a little less than half full. It was warm and there wasn't much of a breeze.

We got there at 8:57pm. The gates didn't open til 9:00pm but Sadie kept dragging us around, trying to find someone.

"Oh there he is." she said pointing and running up to someone by the tour buses expecting all of us to keep up with her.

"Hey Sadie, is this your people?" some asked but I couldn't quite make out who yet because I was too far away still.

"Yup, flea this is y/n. She is the one who requested to see you guys. Finn over here," she pointed to finn "said he could, knowing damn well the tickets were sold out. So that's why I called you earlier. Thank you so much for making this possible.

"If you didn't help us out, these two" she said pointing to me and Finn this time. "Would probably not talk to each other again because that would be the second time he fucked up." she finished, giving Finn a glare.

"Well no problem. Glad I could help. Well the gates opened about 3 minutes ago, let's get you guys to the pit." flea said leading the way.

I still could not even understand how Sadie knew flea and the fact that I was even talking to him. I mean this is my favorite band.

Once we got there flea had to head back stage to get ready for the show because they were on in 5. We were towards the middle of the crowd but far back enough were we had lots of room to dance and move and shit.

"Hey y/n, you better take one before it's all out." Jack said passing me a white rolled up cigarette that was already lit.

I could tell he was already high. So was everyone else except me and Finn. I looked at finn, I don't really know why. I guess for approval. Not approval for me to do it but to see if he was too. He gave me a small nod and ran his finger threw his hair.

I took a puff and started coughing, not as bad as last time though.

"Wow, I can tell you haven't smoke again since the last concert before tour." I just rolled my eyes and took one more puff before handing it to Finn. 

Finn inhaled that shit like he was a fucking pro. He didn't cough once or even flinch. "Wow, you need to teach me how to do that." I joked.

"Once you do it for a while, it doesn't bother you as much any more." he said and handed it back to jack.

"How many times have you smoked?" I asked him.
"I don't know, I don't really keep track anymore. But one thing you'll find out about us is when ever we go to concerts this is what we'll do. I've gotten high after a few out our concerts I guess you just haven't noticed. During our free time we also like to go out and have fun with friends and this is one way to loosen up."

We started dancing and jumping around once the stuff started kicking in and everyone started to loosen up.

I tripped over my own feet and fell onto Finn which took him down too by surprise.

"Can we just stay down here? I'm too tired to get back up" he asked
"Yeah, sure"

I laid down and watched the stars but it started to get chilly now, the breeze stated to pick up.

Finn sat up and was just looking at me so I sat up too.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked with the straightest face possible.
"I don't know can you?"
"I guess we're about to find out." he said and pressed his lips on mine.

His lips were warm and soft but chapped. His nose was right against mine as out lips moved in sync. I rested my hand on the ground in between us as finn kept his on mine.

"Shit guys, I knew this would happen but like I went through this trouble to get you to see these guys and you are just going to make out?" Sadie said as Sophia stood there with her hand on her hips.

"Can't you save it til you get home?" Sophia asked.
"Yeah, sure" I responded and stood up, leaving finn on the ground, drinking his water.

I don't have a author's not today.
Word count: 972

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