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Its Friday night and you are at home, alone. Your mom and dad are out on a date and your older brother is at his friends house while your younger sister is spending the weekend with our grandparents.

You are watching Gotham on Netflix and doing homework. Netflix suddenly stops working and you are getting a phone call.

It's from Ayla, you and Ayla have been friends since before you could even walk. When she turned 12 and you were 10 she moved to Canada.

You guys see each other occasionally but about 2 years ago she and a few friends of hers started a band. One of them being Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things, because Finn was in the band They got pretty big quite fast.

The just announced they are going on tour in a week, starting in Canada then going to the US.

You answered the phone without hesitation, you guys haven't talked on the phone in months.

"Hey Ayla"
"Hey y/n"
"What's up?" you asked
"Nothing, just miss you." ayla responded, it sounded like she wanted something.

"Miss you too, how is your band going?"
"About that..." she said and her voice started to trail off.

"Well we need someone to do the lights at our shows and maybe be a photographer. I know you are studying photography right now and you are amazing with technical things" Ayla said within seconds

"Ayla, I can't. There is still 3 months of school left. I can't miss 3 months of school"
"We have a tutor that will travel with us"

"I can't afford this, you know that. I don't have that kind of money."
"Come on y/n, we got this. Bring spending money and we got everything else"

"I don't know man..."
"Please, we can't do this without you"
You were quite for a minute

"Who are you talking to Ayla? We have to rehearse." you heard someone say in the back.

"I have to go, but please think about this. We need to know by tomorrow morning." she said

"Okay I'll think about it." you sighed
"Thank you so much y/n"
"Now go practice."
"Okay okay, talk to you later." ayla said before hanging up.

'could I really do this?' you thought to yourself. You decided to ask your mom. You couldn't go if your mom said no.

You ran down stairs to see your mom pouring creamer in her coffee.

"Hey mom.." you say nervously.
"Hey y/n, whats up?"
"Well Ayla called just now."
"Oh cool. How is she doing?" ayla's mom and mine have been best friends since before we were born.

"She is doing good. Her band is going on tour soon." I said
"Oh yeah I heard about that. Is she going to invite you to come or something?" you mom asks while putting the creamer away.

"Well actually that's what I wanted to talk about. They wanted to know if I could help them while they are on tour." I told her

"Well get packing. I'll talk to Maggie (idk if that's Ayla's mom's name or not so don't get mad) and see when you are leaving" she said as pulling her phone out to text Maggie

"Uh.. Okay, yeah." you ran upstairs and started packing. But first you called Ayla.

The phone rung and rung, no answer. She was probably rehearsing. You just left a message saying you decided to come and you are packing now.

Man o man were you excited for this trip but nervous at the same time. You haven't seen Ayla in person in over a year.

After 2 hours of packing you finally finished.

"Hey darling. Are you done packing?" you mom said while knocking on the door. "Yuppers. When are we leaving?" you asked.

"Right now, get your stuff and jacket on and let's go." she said while opening your door.

"Oh jez. Okay give me a minute" you said looking around your room to make sure you packed everything. You were going to be gone for about 4 months so you needed to be prepared.

-small time skip-

You finally arrived at Vancouver Canada after a 5 hour flight by yourself. You got off the plane and instantly saw Ayla in the lobby. She ran up to you and engulfed you in a hug.

"Ahhhh it's been too long" she said while pulling away.
"Tell me about it"

You guys got to the bus you were all going to stay on during the tour. "Okay we are leaving tomorrow at 4pm so be ready." she said while knocking on the bus door.

A boy with blond fluffy hair opened the door. "Well this must be y/n?" he asked and put his arm out, welcoming us inside.

"Yup, the one and only" you said and did jazz hands while walking in.

"This is Jack and this is Malcolm." Ayla introduced them to me. "Where is Finn?" she asked

"He is in our room playing his guitar." Malcolm said.

"I'll go get him so you can meet him." Jack said while walking down the hallway.

Finn walked out of his room with just his shorts on. "Oh I didn't know we had guests" he said and blushed a little.

"Yup. This is y/n. The photographer and lights technician" Ayla said while resting her arm on my shoulder.

"Oh. Well hi, but uh I need to go put a shirt on real quick soo" Finn said while running his hands through his dark brown curly hair.

You smiled and nodded, maybe even blushed a little?

"Am I blushing?" you whispered to Ayla only loud enough you thought only she could hear. "Yup" "yea" "mhm" all three boys said.

"Great...." you said and turned around.

They all giggled. "Well let's get you unpacked" Ayla said while leading me to put bunks which was on the other side of the bus then the boys.

Hey guys it's ya girl. Sorry for this shit chapter but I really needed to update and it's late on a Tuesday night so I rushed but I hope you like it? Comment suggestions and vote for me please. Love you all
Word count: 1038

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