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We arrived at set and started to set up for the show which was in only a few hours. There were people already starting to line up outside of the building. I was quite excited for this show specifically because it was the last one. I had a feeling this would be a great crowd...

...and I was right. The first song they played was El Scorcho by Weezer. The crowd sang every word and danced to every beat. After they finished performing the song the fans cheered so loud. It felt like everything and everyone had suddenly stopped what they were doing just to cheer them on.

I know I'm not even on stage yet but I honestly can wait til I can perform with them. Just watching them have the time of their lives and watching the fans sing their hearts out made me tear up.

By the end of the show, Finn, Ayla, Malcolm, and Jack held up one of their new flags with their logo on it. Finn spoke in the Mic "we are calpurnia and so are you" (if you get this reference I will forever love you)

They were silently crying. I could tell they worked hard to get where they are now and everything payed off. They didn't just do this for the fame, they made music, sang their hearts out, for themselves and the fans. They deserved everything they have coming their way.

After the show was over we all met back stage. Finn, Ayla, Jack, Malcolm, Wyatt, Sadie, Sophia, Caleb, Jack, Jaeden and i were all packing up and meeting some fans that decided to stay behind before we left for the party.

It wasn't just a normal neighborhood-friend kinda party, this was a end-of-tour party. There was the whole stranger things cast and IT cast that joined. Along with a few other friends and bands that opened for us throughout everything.

Once we arrived Finn and I walked off for a little bit. We grabbed a red solo cup and met with a few people. Finns arm was resting around my waist the whole time, never moved.

After a lot of congratulating we decided just to keep it on the low for now on. We wanted to have a good night considering the fact that this would be our last night together before he heads back to filming.

I went to grab another drink, which, if I counted correctly is my third cup. I started to gain more and more energy. Finn and I started dancing until I had to pee.

I walked back down stairs, from the bathroom, to see Finns arm around another girls waist and her head resting on Finns shoulder.

"Uh, hey man but th- Grace?" it was Grace from lunar vacation. They opened for us one night.

"Oh, uh hey y/n." she said any backed away from Finn.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked.
"Well, um, nothing. I think I should leave." and with that she left.

"Would you like to explain fin-"
"Just leave it alone y/n." Finn cut me off.

"No, I won't just leave it alone Finn." I started to raise my voice. "You had your arm around another chicks waist? And what? You think I wouldn't see? I left for 5 minutes to go pee and I come back to you cheating on me." I was on the verge of crying but I was too mad to cry.

"Y/n, I said, drop it. We will talk abo-" Finn tried to turn around and walk off
"No, finn, are you cheating on me?" I asked quietly now with tears building up, there were people starting to crowd us.

Finn turned around to face me and froze. "Did you get tired of me that fast? 6 months of knowing me and 1 month of being together and you're already tired of me?"
"Am I not good enough for you? Is that it?"
"Please lis-"
"I loved you finn, I still do but if yo-"
"Just shut up and let me talk for a minute please." Finn blurted out.

"I'm not cheating on you, I don't know what got into me. Grace is just a good friend. I would never get tired of you y/n, and you would never not be good enough for me. I love you and I could never replace you." he finished.

He walked towards me when I noticed I was crying. I wanted just to fall into his arms and everything would be okay but for some reason I couldn't just believe him.

"No Finn. Tell me what's really going on between you two." I pushed him away and crossed my arms trying to warm myself up. There were still people watching us. Everyone was watching us.

"Fine, Grace was a one time deal. It was one night. All we did was kiss, nothing more. It didn't mean anything y/n. I just haven't figured out how to tell her yet. It wasn't even while we were together.  Now please, can you leave it alone." Finn begged but was annoyed.

"Fuck you Wolfhard. We are playing a game of life and this is not how you play. You need time to fix your shit and learn how to play right. Come and find me when you are done cheating." I said and just like that I was out the door walking to who knows where.

All I knew is that I didn't not want to sleep, or be anywhere near him. I was so drunk and I couldn't think straight and I'm sure Finn was too but I didn't care at the moment. I walked out to the street and stood there thinking what I was going to do now.

I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. "Get the hell off of my-" I said one I realized it was Finn. "Y/n stop it now." he grabbed my arm again trying to calm me down.

When I tried to pull away he held tighter and tighter until my arm started to hurt. "Please listen to me" he said.

"Finn get off you're hurting m-"
"I'm sorry, just please forgive me" he said holding tighter.

"I said get off" I punched him in the face not realizing what I was really doing, I just wanted to get out.

I looked down at my arm and it was slowly turning different shades of purple and green. What am I doing I questioned myself. I love Finn but I feel like this relationship is getting out of control. We are already physically fighting. Who knows what will happen next.

But I love him too much. I just need some time to re-cope.

Dude I'm actually really excited for where this story is heading. I'm so excited, I updated twice. I also updated in celebration of 7k reads today and tøp coming back the other day because who doesn't love tøp. I think the year wait was worth the while because their new singles are the shit. Hope you enjoyed vote and comment. Don't forget to vote for me on @so 's awards book.
Word count: 1211

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