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16. Crazy day

"Jisoo, please stop that!" Kookie didn't mean to scream but he was feeling overwhelmed. He was currently trying to get Jisoo to her dance class while trying to cope with a crying baby, and possibly a sick toddler. And to top it all off Jisoo was whining about arriving late to her class which she hated to do.

The whining continued and for the first time Kookie actually cried in frustration. It was all too much. He felt horrible not being able to please all the children. The word please wouldn't be the right one but he was trying to keep them comfortable, organized and it was impossible. As soon as the children heard him cry they stopped whining and crying.

"I'm sorry." You could hear both girls apologize. They felt guilty thinking they made Jungkook cry. The truth was it had nothing to do with them, it was a combination of things. The girls hugged him and he hugged them back.

"I'm the one who should say sorry," he chuckled but it was forced. "Alright, Jisoo can you take Rose with you to the car? I just need to lock up here." Jungkook wiped his tears.

They were close to the door. It was just one of those days they were all fussy and Kookie was a bit on edge. Due to the fact, Mister Kim had to cancel their date and he hadn't talked about rescheduling. All because of a work related issue but Jungkook called it the seductive gentleman. He wasn't expecting Jin to reschedule or anything of the sort. Adding to that Kookie wasn't feeling right. He was coming down with something. His head was pouncing and no medicine was helping.

Jungkook was left thinking, once again, how were parents able to keep going when they were sick. How could they? Haven't they ever felt this horrible? They probably did but they were outstanding people. One thing he did know is that he has to push through. Maybe he would take a nap with them today. Keep them in front of the television for a bit to watch a movie or some tv program. Jungkook wasn't sure but he needed rest.

As he locked the door and made sure to have everything, he felt strangely satisfied that they had managed to work one thing today. Now, Jungkook had the rest of the day to think but he wouldn't dwell on it now.

He dropped of Jisoo at dance class and proceeded to take the other two children to the doctor. It wasn't far and he made sure their appointments would be over and done with before Jisoo's class came to an end.

It was the first time he has taken them to the doctor. He had scheduled their annual appointment weeks from now but was forced to move it when the smallest got sick.

As Jungkook waited for them to be called he couldn't help but start to feel annoyed. There was so much noise in the waiting room and it was making his headache worse.

Finally they were called in. He takes both children grateful that he doesn't have to wait a second longer there in the crowded, noisy waiting room. The nurse checks the children and asks Jungkook a few questions about them. He answers and it only takes a minute or two for the doctor to show up.

"Hello, I'm doctor Kim. So, is it just an annual check up?" He smiles with dimples present in his cheeks.

"Yes, but Tae is down with something and I'm afraid that Rose may be coming down with it." Kookie was in awe of the handsome doctor. The doctor couldn't be more than thirty but no less than twenty five, he thought.

Kookie couldn't believe this was the children's pediatrician. There was no way a man this young would work with children. Yet, Kookie did believe it by the way the doctor was now smiling at the children asking them questions which kept them entertained. Tae was giving him all his attention. Rose was shying away much like Kookie felt like doing himself.

"Sorry, you have very happy children. So, you were saying that the baby is sick?" Doctor Kim took a look at Tae and making sure to take his vitals. The man appeared more serious now.

"Yeah, it has been a few days but he hasn't gotten any better. And Rose here seems to be fine with a slight cough."

Kookie talked to the doctor by pretending the doctor was nothing more than a regular person who wasn't as good looking as he obviously was. That's how the whole appointment went. Jungkook answering all his questions.

"Well, if you do find out about that please call the office and let us know. I don't want to do it and find out that they already had it. I'm sorry for assuming they were yours."

"It's fine and I'll get some information on that and I'll call the nurse to give her the information. Thank you." Kookie couldn't help but be grateful of his kindness.

"You could or you can tell me over dinner Saturday night?" Doctor Kim asked shyly because he was sure it wasn't an appropriate time to ask for a date. That and it would be two days from today.

"Um, is that legal?" Kookie whispered but he knew he wanted to say yes. "Saturday night? I should be fine to go." He smiles.

"Great, I'll give you a call and let you know what time I'll go pick you up." Doctor Kim was starting to have a great day now.

"Maybe I'll meet you somewhere. Just call me and we can go into details. Thank you," Jungkook rushed. Kookie had to leave before his whole face goes red. Plus, he needed to get to pick up Jisoo.

"Alright, have a nice day." Doctor Kim was also starting to feel dorky with the smile in his face that got him accused of being a younger man.

With that Kookie left the office turning red and the prescriptions in hand. Today was going to be alright after all. There was a shinning moment. The highlight to his day which was probably an exaggeration but it felt great. The day could only get better from there, Kookie thought.

March 13, 2018

Gosh, I realize that I need to edit the original. Some things need massive/major corrections 📝

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