[ Prologue ] • 5 Years of Friendship •

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woah a super long prologue, fucking oops, but also I did get carried away. It's good, it's 5am who needs sleep? also like i didn't bother editing this yet so there's probably spelling/grammar errors because i typed this on my phone.

February 2013

The drinks were flowing, the music was blasting, the massive apartment was packed full of people.

"How the hell did Tom meet PK Subban? Like the PK Subban, defensemen for the Montreal Canadiens?" Tessa asked her best friend, Mabel, again. It didn't seem real that they were actually attending a party held by the star hockey player.

"Well Tom plays for some team, and I guess they met Subban through that? The fuck if I know, I'm just happy we're here," Mabel laughed.

Tessa rolled her eyes, "I won't believe it's Subban until I see him with my own eyes."

Up until three days ago they weren't even travelling to Montréal, then Tom talked them into it because their University was on reading week and he had a game that they were travelling for anyways.

They wandered the party, Tom had left to find drinks for the three of them, and they had lost him in the crowd. Tessa had learned through all her years of university, how to maneuver through crowds. She was pretty much an expert by now.

She was almost certain she found Tom in the crowd and was trying to focus on not losing him since he couldn't hear her call him name. Tessa didn't even notice she had run into another body, until part of her shirt was soaked in was smelled like tequila. God she hated tequila.

"Shit sorry," she mumbled and looked up to see a familiar face. She had no idea who this guy was but she knew him, or at least his face.

"It's alright, I was going to get another drink anyways," he laughed and then smiled. "I'm Brendan."

That's when it hit her.

"Tessa," she shook his hand. "You play for the Canadiens right?"

He nodded, "Just started this season. Didn't think anyone would know who I am."

"I pay attention to hockey, it's fun to watch," she smiled towards him.

That's when Brendan actually noticed the other girl standing next to Tessa. "Shit how rude of me, and you are?"

"Mabel," she smiled. "It's cool, you two seem to be hitting it off, don't let me interrupt." She winked towards Tessa. "I see Tom anyways."

She disappeared into the crowd, Tessa watched her go to make sure she found Tom, who sure enough, was only like five feet away.

"Who's Tom?"

"Our friend," Tessa replied. "He's actually how we got invited in the first place I guess."

"You should text your friends, tell them to meet us down that hall. We've got a group together and we're going to play beer pong, or something. I really don't know anymore, but you seem cool so you should join us," Brendan laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm rambling aren't I?"

"A little," Tessa laughed with him. "But it's fine. I'll text them, we'll totally join you. Subban is like Tom's idol, or one of them."

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