[ Chapter 6 ] • How Long Has He Been In Love With You? •

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woah another chapter. I think I have maybe 6-8 more chapters so this will be a short book, unless I feel inclined to add more but I don't mind short books, makes me feel accomplished when i've finished a book so the shorter the better for me lmaooo. also yeah, still unedited so there's spelling and grammar issues lol

For the first time in months almost the entire group was able to hang out. Even Nikita, who had been called up to the team from Laval, and Artturi who normally would shy away from drinking on when he had practice the next day.

The only people missing were Nathan and Katie, they were in Buffalo.

Tessa opened the door to Alex's apartment, he had left it unlocked for when her and Brendan showed up. She arrived a little before seven, but everyone was full swing, jumping right into the drinking.

"Tessa is here!" Alex cheered and walked over slinging an arm around her. He was tipsy, she could tell. His drink smelled like rum and coke.

Immediately it seems like Nikita is giving her the same thing Alex has been drinking. "Where are Mabel and Tom? I haven't seen them in ages," Tessa comments before spotting Mabel in the kitchen grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Tessa!" The excitement is clear in her voice as Mabel runs over and hugs her best friend from college. "I've missed you and have so much news!"

"What is it?" Tessa let's Mabel go and takes a step back, putting some space between them. She's just as excited for the news.

She downs most her drink as Mabel reaches into her pocket and places a ring on one of her fingers. "Tom proposed!"

"Oh my God!" Tessa practically yells this. She is beyond excited, she doesn't even have words.

"Isn't it great?" Mabel finishes her pizza slice. "I couldn't believe he finally did it!"


"Only a few days ago," Mabel assures her friend. "I wanted to call you to tell you but then I wanted to give you the news in person so I waited because Alex mentioned getting us all together this week. I knew I'd see you so I waited but I'm so sorry for waiting, it's been killing me not being able to tell you!"

"I'm so happy for you! I can't believe this!" Tessa hugged Mabel again. They were practically jumping in the kitchen.

"Believe what?" Brendan asked and let his hand skim across Tessa's lower back as her walked to grab a slice of pizza.

Tessa smiled at Mabel and let her tell Brendan the good news. "Tom and I got engaged!"

Brendan's eyes went wide, "Holy shit, good for you two. That's really amazing."

"Thanks," Mabel smiled. "I gotta tell everyone else, but we'll catch up in a few yeah?" Mabel looked towards Tessa who nodded in agreement.

Tessa moved to one of the counters to mix herself a new drink, finishing what's left in her cup in the process of making her new one.

"Engaged, wow. They are the first in our group to be engaged to anyone," Brendan thought out loud.

Tessa smiled. "I always knew they'd eventually get engaged. It was bound to happen, they deserve to be happy, and they make each other happy." There was a slight tone in her voice that pulled at Brendan's heart.

"You deserve to be happy too," Brendan walked over to her, taking the bottle and mixing himself a drink. "Don't think you won't find happiness."

Tessa shrugged, she had barely ate today and she knew how messed up she'd get on an empty stomach but that was the goal.

"I mean it," Brendan looked her in the eyes. Her eyes darted towards the ground, "I'd give you all the stars in the sky if I could. Hell I'd move mountains for you Tess, you deserve to be loved." His hand found her chin and tilted her head to look at him. "You deserve the world, and more."

They stared for a moment longer before Tessa leaned towards him.

The loud and obnoxious laugh belonging to Alex interrupted the two who immediately put a few feet of space between each other, but not without Alex catching them so close in proximity to one another. "Woah, am I interrupting something?" He raised an eyebrow looking between the two. They couldn't make eye contact with one another.

"Nope, all is good in here," Brendan grabbed his drink and pat Alex on the back as he moved to the living room where everyone was laughing at one of Tom's jokes.

"What was that?" Alex asked and took the bottle of rum from Tessa.

She was bracing herself against the counter, trying to process everything Brendan had said to her. "It was, uh, it was nothing."

"That was not nothing," Alex stated. He stared at Tessa, who refused to look away from the counter where her drink was. He started to mix his own drink. "How long have you two been having sex?"

"What?" Tessa asked, purely shocked by his question. She couldn't believe he had the audacity to ask her that, even though he was right and they both knew he was right, she still couldn't believe he actually asked. "We are not having sex." She whispered trying to change Alex's mind.

He shrugged, "Well then how long has he been in love with you?" Alex asked. "Don't act surprised. He constantly talks about times you've hung out and recounts stories from years ago. The way he was looking at you just now, before I walked in? Yeah he's in love with you whether you're sucking his dick or not."

She turned and grabbed her drink, "We are friends, best friends, he isn't in love with me. Way to be an asshole though." Tessa didn't like the last comment Alex had about her sucking Brendan's dick.

Alex stopped her before she left the kitchen, "Want me to prove it too you Tessa?"

She rolled her eyes, "Only because I want to prove you wrong."

Alex walked up to her, gently brushing past her to make it to the living room. She followed behind him slowly, her thoughts of exactly how Alex could out them to the entire group running through her head.

"Who's ready for a game or Truth or Drink fuckers?" He called out to everyone.

Tessa stared at him, this would end badly for her and Brendan if Alex was right after all.

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