[ Chapter 9 ] • I Love You •

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If anyone reading this book has checked out my Corey Crawford fanfic "Keep Holding On" then you're in for a treat because I kinda crossed over the main character from that book in this chapter!! If you haven't read that book then don't worry there's no spoilers incase you wanna check it out :)))
Also it's super duper unedited so hopefully this isn't a chore to read through lmaoo
The snow had started to fall slower, the winds dying down slightly. The weather was still bad, and the snow still caused visibility problems, but it seemed to be getting a little better as the night wore on.

Brendan walked towards where a yellow line of police tape had been set up. He stopped, looking down at the tape and then back towards the car.

He noticed a police officer approaching him, so rather than wait Brendan lifted the tape and walked towards the car. Immediately the cop stopped him, he had barely moved five feet within the line and the cop was gently pushing him backwards.

"Sir, you'll have to wait-"

"No!" Brendan could see Tessa. "No let me through!"


"I said let me through!" Brendan was trying not to yell, but the panic was rising in him. "She's my best friend. I love- She's my best friend- Tessa!"

The cop noticed the relationship Brendan had with the girl in the accident. He let him pass, earning a look from his fellow officers.

"Tess," Brendan approached where she was.

"You know her?" A woman, she was one of the paramedics asked.

"Yeah," Brendan stared at her. There was another paramedic dealing with her.

The woman placed a hand on Brendan's shoulders. "She lucky, a crash like that kills most people... She's also lucky to have someone like you to come looking for her."

Brendan slowly approached her. Tessa was sitting on the back of the ambulance. Her hairline was soaked with blood, a large gash across her forehead was visible. She had minor cuts and scrapes everywhere else. Her arm was in a sling, set up by the paramedic.

"I'm fine-" Tessa tried to push away from the paramedic who wanted to take her to the hospital. "I mean it- I'm fin-"

"Tess," Brendan cut her off. "You're alive."

She stopped fighting the paramedic, but couldn't turn to face the voice. "You came after me?"

Brendan could hear how little hope Tessa had in her voice. How upset she was with how the two of them left things.

"I thought I had lost you," Brendan stood in front of where Tessa was sitting. She wasn't much shorter than him since the ambulance was far enough off the ground. "Fuck I thought I had lost you." Brendan gently grabbed her
one hand, careful not to hurt her anymore than she was. He avoided the arm in the sling.

Tessa turned to look towards him, finally finding the strength to look at him. She didn't know what to say; this was embarrassing for her, and she felt like a shitty human being.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Brendan asked.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Brendan could smell the rum on her breath still as potent as if she had just taken a shot. "I was thinking I was mad at you- which is stupid now. I was trying to go home- and I don't know what happened. One minute I was fine- the next I was crawling out of the wreck that is now my car." She gave her head a slight shake. "Fuck- fuck. I'm sorry Bren. I'm really sorry."

"You have to listen to the paramedics okay?" Brendan told her. "They need to take you to the hospital. I'm gonna be there, but you have to listen to what the paramedics and doctors tell you okay?"

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