[ Chapter 7 ] • Truth or Drink •

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I'm actually in love with this chapter and idk why? Like idk I had fun writing it so I hope you all have fun reading it.

"Are you and Alex good?" Brendan whispered to her as everyone got their own drinks ready for the game.

"Just fucking peachy," Tessa smiled, and turned back towards the coffee table. She was sitting in a beanbag chair Alex had. "You know most 20 something's don't have bean bag chairs Alex."

He glared at her. He was annoyed that she wouldn't admit to what was really going on between her and Brendan. He didn't really care, but wanted them to be honest. Truthfully he felt bad trying to out them to the whole group, but he wanted her to admit it.

"That's not a good thing. Your answer makes me think things are peachy between you and Alex," Brendan whispered again.

"It's fine," she smiled. "We just had a disagreement about something, nothing big."

"I nominate Mabel to go first, since she's engaged we need to air all their dirty laundry for them before they get married," Tessa laughed and Mabel rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile.

"I think Brendan should go first, when was the last time he ever took the first round of the game?" Alex nominated Brendan.

"You have a good point, I vote Brendan too," Mabel said. Tom nodded along in agreement with Mabel.

Nikita and Artturi shrugged, they didn't care who went first as long as they got to drink tonight.

"That settles it, Brendan's first," Alex smiled. "Who's got a good question, cause I can't think of any."

Tessa knew Alex was full of shit, she knew exactly was Alex's question would be, but he had to bide his time.

"Person you like the least in our friend group?" Artturi asked.

Brendan didn't even hesitate his answer, "Chucky."

"Hey!" Alex went to protest before accepting what Brendan said. "Actually, it's all good. I like you the least also."

Brendan smiled and chuckled waiting for the next question.

A few more questions were asked before Alex smiled. "I've got the question. There's no way you answer this one."

"Shoot, I'm excited to prove you wrong," Brendan sat up as much as you can in a beanbag chair.

"Are you in love with Tessa?" Alex asked. Catching everyone, including Brendan and excluding Tessa, off guard. Brendan furrowed his eyebrows for a minute, and in his peripheral vision he could see Tessa looking towards him for his answer.

Without hesitation he downed his drink, refusing to answer.

"I vote Tessa goes next," Artturi was suddenly really invested in the game. "This just got good."

"Do you love Brendan?" Mabel asked, she was practically on the edge of her seat.

Tessa looked towards Brendan. His eyes were nearly unreadable, his face holding no expression. She felt a lump in her throat, her stomach did flips and she felt suddenly ill. The alcohol wasn't helping as she had finished her second drink during Brendan's round of the game. She had a shot on the coffee table in front of her.

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