[ Chapter 5 ] • A Work Visit •

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I hate my job, I've worked everyday for 11 days straight because people keep calling in sick and quitting and I'm honestly done at this point.
Anyways, since i'm tired from closing the store and lazy, the chapter is still unedited so beware of grammar and spelling errors because autocorrect on my phone is a bitch.

Later in the week, Tessa gathered a few documents together, stapling them and got up to go give them to the partners in the firm. Trevor's proposal for a restructuring of the firm, and thus more division of work across all levels of work, had taken off. Ed was hesitant on the concept before he mentioned it to a few others who all saw the value of giving more of their work to senior and junior associates, and the paralegals and secretaries being able to take on more of the administrative work that junior associates were currently stuck with.

The partners were needing to work on how they would present this to the HR department and the other departments that had a say in the firm, but their votes alone could pass the new restructuring of the firm.

Tessa walked to the boardroom they were meeting in, taking a minute to straighten her blazer and make sure her shirt wasn't wrinkled. She walked in a greeted the few partners she already knew, having worked for them during her internship.

She handed the documents to everyone at the table and moved to leave the room.

"Would you like to stay?" The partner spear heading the entire project after Ed handed it off to him asked her.

Tessa let go of the door handle and turned, "I have a lot work- and I wouldn't want to intrude or anything-"

"You helped get this project off the ground," he smiled. "Plus I hear you're one of our most successful junior associates Tessa, so you're welcome to stay if you'd like to oversee the process. It could be you sitting in one of these chairs in a few years."

Tessa blushed, "Of course I'll stay, thank you so much," she quietly moved to one of the only remaining empty chairs in the boardroom.

She took a seat and watched as the partner, she believed his name was Clark, began presenting the project to get all of the partners on the same page.

She found herself walking on air towards her office, not even feeling hungry any more despite it being long past the time she'd eat lunch.

"Hey," Amy whispered quietly. Tessa noticed the door to her office was closed. "A guy stopped by, asked if you were around, I told him you were helping the partners out in a meeting and he could wait but I wasn't sure how long you'd be," Amy explained quickly.

"Who is it?" Tessa asked. "How long have they been waiting?"

"Almost an hour," Amy checked the time. "He showed up right after Trevor, Tiz and I finished eating lunch. I don't recognize him at all."

Tessa nodded and opened her door, leaving it open since she didn't think the door would need to be closed. "Hello, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting-" She sat in her chair and immediately smiled and laughed. "Brendan? What are you doing here?" she asked quietly, but was happy to see him.

"I figured I could let you know Alex is trying to get everyone together tonight, I know it's a Thursday and you never go out but I wanted to try and convince you to come over lunch," Brendan explained. "But you took way to long in your meeting."

"I was allowed to sit in on the meeting because I'm, apparently, one of the most successful junior associates in the firm," Tessa was giddy. "A partner told me that, and he knew my name!"

"Sounds like I should be jealous of him, maybe even a little threatened," Brendan joked. "Where is this guy so I can intimidate him with my masculinity."

"You're a dork," Tessa quietly laughed and turned her attention to her computer.

Brendan leaned forwards, bracing his arms against her desk. "Too busy to go for lunch?"

"I'm really far behind since I stayed for the meeting," Tessa frowned, "Otherwise I would, but if you want me to go to Alex's tonight I need to finish my work."

Amy knocked on the door, "Sorry to interrupt-" She was shocked to see Brendan stand up.

He held a hand out to her, "I'm Brendan, Brendan Gallagher. I play for the Montreal Canadiens."

"You know, I'm Brendan would have sufficed," Tessa teased him.

Amy hesitantly shook his hand before it hit her. This was the Brendan. "So you're Brendan. I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?"

Amy nodded and looked towards Tessa who was at her desk, she hid her mouth behind her hand and whispered towards Tessa. "His stamina must be amazing if he's a professional athlete."

Brendan chuckled from basically beside Amy at this point. "What did you need Amy?" Tessa asked, trying to hold back from laughing.

"This was brought to me when you were out for your meeting, I took it since the guy said it was important that you finish it today."

Tessa nodded and took the paper from Amy, placing it on her desk.

"Hey Tessa, any word on if all the firms partners think the restructure is as good as Clark believes it is?" Trevor popped into Tessa's office. He barely registered that Brendan was sitting there until he sat back down.

"Who are you?" Trevor asked, glancing to everyone before stopping at Amy who's face gave it all away, "Oh so you're all the hot- ow"

Amy punched Trevor in the shoulder, "Talk to her after she's done her meeting," Amy dragged him out of the office and pushed him lightly down the hall.

"I'm all the hot... what, what's all the hot?" Brendan asked her trying to finish Trevor's sentence.

"All the hot sex I've been having," Tessa admitted to him.

Brendan raised his eyebrows towards her. "So you're allowed to talk about our sex life at work, but I'm not? Seems like double standards Tess." He joked with her.

"You know why you can't tell anyone on the team," Tessa sighed. "Half of the team is our friends and would flip shit if we were screwing."

"I'm kidding," He got up and leaned over her desk to kiss her quickly. Almost like a habit at this point, "I'll see you at Alex's? Seven o'clock?"

"I'll be there," Tessa smiled. "I'll see you at seven."

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