[ Chapter 2 ] • Back to the Grind •

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I got carried away again so this is a longer chapter. Also is anyone else as excited as I am for the second season of Santa Clarita Diet??
(unedited haha oops, i'm lazy)

Monday's are one of the most hated days of the week, simply because the work week starts on a Monday. Tessa sat in her car, humming along to the radio when her roommate opened the passenger seat handing the two travel mugs of coffee to Tessa before getting in.

"I'll never understand how you are this happy on a Monday morning, especially one where it's snowing outside," Tiz grabbed her coffee and took a sip, before leaving it in the cup holder.

Tessa started to drive to work, they were leaving earlier than usual since the weather wasn't the greatest and they didn't want to be late. "I don't mind going to work, I really enjoy what I do."

"So do I," Tiz clarified. "Except on Mondays. Mondays suck. How are you not dead tired and hungover?"

"The sex is a great hangover cure," Tessa laughed as they stopped at a read light.

Tiz gave her head a shake. "I wish I could have hangover curing sex."

"How's things with Brad?" Tessa ventured into the topic carefully. Tiz hadn't talked about Brad in a few weeks, last Tessa knew they had a pretty big fight. They had quite a lot of traffic ahead of them because of the snow.

"He's acting like a big baby. So what, I didn't want to move in with him, that's not code for a breakup, it's code for, I still have a year and half on my lease that I just signed in September," Tiz ranted about her boyfriend Brad for quite awhile until Tessa pulled into her parking space at work. She noticed that the longer than usual car ride resulted in her finishing her coffee, so she left the cup in the car instead of carrying it into work.

"Well enough about my love life," Tiz laughed as the two of them got out of the car and began walking towards the office. Tiz gave a subtle nod to the front doors, "Look who is waiting for you to give you a coffee."

"Oh shut up, he is literally holding 4 coffees because he brought one for all of us," Tessa rolled her eyes at her roommate.

Trevor was waiting by the front doors to the office, caught up in a conversation with someone. Tiz had been keeping track of how many work days in a row he was waiting for them, this was day 12.

"Hey," Trevor greeted them, getting them to slow their walking pace once they were heading inside. "I'll talk to you later about that proposal yeah?" He finished his conversation with one of the higher ups before catching up to Tessa and Tiz inside.

"Is the T Trio ready to tackle this Monday morning?" He laughed at the lame nickname he gave their trio as they entered one of the elevators at work. They had one more friend, a paralegal named Amy.

"You bring coffee so that helps me get through today already," Tiz commented, grabbing her coffee from the tray. "Thanks T."

"It's my pleasure to bring caffeine to tired souls. It makes me feel like a Santa Claus who gives out coffee instead of presents," he smiled as they waited for the elevator to reach their floor. "Or maybe I'm more like Oprah. You get a coffee, and you get a coffee, and everybody gets a coffee!" He mimicked.

"I've never been more happy to work on a different floor than you two in my entire life," Tiz shook her head and stepped off the elevator, she only worked a floor below them.

"See you at lunch!" Tessa smiled and Tiz gave her a look before the elevator closed.

Trevor checked his phone before the doors opened to the floor that Tessa and him worked on. "How was your weekend? Doesn't look like you're hungover like the rest of us."

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