[ Chapter 11 ] • See You Later •

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Gally got his 30th goal this season and he's literally 1 point from 50 points. Even being on a team having a bad year he's setting career highs, I'm so proud ❤️❤️
also apologies for the lack of editing throughout this entire book lmaoo
Brendan strained the pasta and mixed it into the sauce. Tessa was nursing a headache that she had after she left her meeting with Human Resources. Or at least that's what she told Brendan. The headache was a result of the anxiety attack Tessa experienced after her meeting with her therapist; she was tired and had a headache because of the days events.

"Here," Brendan handed her a bowl. It was topped with extra cheese. "I figured you'd want cheese since you literally put cheese on everything."

Tessa laughed quietly and took a bite. "You didn't have to do this, but thank you."

"I want to help, as much as possible." Brendan flipped on Netflix. He was scrolling to find Grey's Anatomy for her. "Really, as long as I'm not on a road trip I want to be around to help you."

"I'm okay, I can take care of myself," Tessa continued eating.

Brendan raised an eyebrow, "You're telling me you would've eaten dinner tonight instead of just going to bed?"

"I would've ordered in," Tessa countered. "But like I said, thank you for helping out."

Brendan turned on the show and started to eat, he leaned back on the couch and the two sat in silence for a while, just letting the show play as they ate.

It wasn't an awkward silence, but it did leave the two of them slightly uncomfortable. It was almost too silent between the two of them. Eventually Tessa reached over and paused the show. "I'm fine really. I can take care of myself I don't need you hovering all of the time."

"I never said you couldn't take care of yourself," Brendan pointed out.

"You implied it," Tessa countered. "Besides, you have other friends who probably want to hang out with you."

"Maybe I don't want to hang out with them, maybe tonight I wanted to hangout with you," Brendan was reasoning with her.

Tessa smiled. "I'm very appreciative that you want to help, but I need space. It feels like I'm suffocating under all the pressure I have from trying to get back to work and trying to wipe clean my record and just life in general. I need space and some time alone," Tessa explained. "It's not that I don't appreciate you or your help, but I need time to focus on me and what I need," She finished.

Brendan nodded along with her explanation. Tessa could see his facial expression was less happy than it was before, "Right- Well- I'll uh- I'll take off I guess. Text me if you need anything?"

"I will," Tessa smiled. She felt even more guilty that she was trying to get rid of him, instead accepting his help.

She watched him grab his coat and slip it on. He gave her one last look. "Well if you're sure-"

"I am," Tessa forced a bit of a smile. The situation felt extremely awkward. "Bye Bren."

"See you later Tess," He looked down and walked out of her apartment.

Marie, Tessa finally took the time to learn her therapists name, placed her pen on her clipboard and her clipboard on a small end table in the room. She leaned back in her chair.

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