[ Chapter 4 ] • "Still Going to Kill Me?" •

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[update, i'm still lazy so this is still unedited ha] Also i got carried away after the second dash in this chapter, but only a little bit carried away. And I'm not talking about the word count lolol.

Are you still watching Grey's Anatomy?
flashed across the television screen.

Tessa scoffed to herself, since she was the only person in her apartment at the moment. "Of course I'm still watching? What else would I be doing since I don't feel well?"

She had caught a cold at the end of the week, she was feeling significantly better than she had on Thursday, but not enough to go out with Mabel and Tom when they asked. There was a group of their friends they had met that they wanted to introduce to Tessa, but knowing that Brendan, Alex and the rest of the guys weren't going to be there made Tessa turn down the offer to go out. She had finally gotten over her cold and didn't feel up to going out and meeting a whole bunch of people when she wasn't 100% sure she would get laid by the end of the night. At least if Brendan could have been there she could call the night a win, even if she hated all of Mabel and Tom's work friends.

She curled up with a bag of popcorn cradled in her lap as the next episode began. Her internet was slow and every Netflix episode had to buffer for almost five minutes before playing.

Just as the episode was diving into the previous weeks drama between Meredith and Derek, there was a knock on her apartment door.

She paused the show and stayed silent, not daring to move and hoping they would go away. She was perfectly fine with no human interaction all weekend. Even Tiz wasn't going to be home until Sunday night, she was determined to fix things between her and her boyfriend and was staying the weekend at his place.

There was another knock on the door.

"Go away, I'm not home," she yelled from the couch. Maybe they would think she was a bitch and leave, or at least that was her hope for whoever was trying to sell stuff to her.

A third round of knocking was heard throughout the apartment.

Tessa set her popcorn on the coffee table and threw the blanket onto the opposite end of the couch. "I swear to god I'm going to kill you!" She yelled to the person outside her door. She really didn't feel up to dealing with anyone today.

The door swung open to reveal Brendan, who was holding subs from Subway, a bag with bottles of pops and cookies, and another bag that had a bottle of tequila. "Still going to kill me?"

"What are you doing here?" Tessa asked, motioning for him to come inside and closed the door behind him. "Shouldn't you be in like Pittsburgh or Philadelphia or wherever the fuck the teams supposed to be right now?"

"I caught an earlier flight home, I wasn't feeling well yesterday so they told me to pack my bags before I gave everyone on the team the flu," he explained. "Figured I could show up here and give you the flu instead."

"I was sick for the last few days also, sadly my work didn't tell me to leave," she joked with him. "Guess we all aren't as special as Brendan Gallagher."

He sat down on her couch, setting the food next to the popcorn on her coffee table. Grabbing the blanket beside him her threw it in her direction. "I also bring tequila but that's not the best thing to drink if we both are already sick."

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