[ Chapter 3 ] • Day-To-Day •

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[unedited because I'm still being lazy]
Also sort of a character development chapter I guess. Enjoy guys, remember to comment and vote! Love you all!

Tessa aimlessly wandered through the store, basket in hand. She got off work on time today and decided to shop for dinner tonight, though she had no idea what she felt like cooking. Truly she didn't feel like cooking at all, but she was sick of eating the two dollar frozen pizzas every night.

She stopped in front of the green peppers, maybe she could use these for something tonight.

"The green peppers are mush, I'd avoid them," a familiar voice commented from behind her.

"Trevor?" Tessa asked as she glanced behind her. "Now you're just stalking me."

"It's purely a coincidence that I chose to shop tonight," He laughed. "I won't complain about shopping next to someone as beautiful as you though."

Tessa sighed and avoided the green peppers, stopping instead for some fruit. She had no apples left to eat in the morning so she knew she needed to pick up a few.

"I had so much to do today, and then Ed," Trevor stopped when Tessa looked confused. "The partner that I needed your help with?"

"Ohh. Right, Ed," Tessa remembered him stopping by and her mentioning that Trevor would be better to explain the entire proposal to him.

"Well he thought it was a great idea for the firm, but had like a million questions," Trevor complained, "Thanks for sending him to me by the way."

"That was deal," Tessa reminded him as they walked towards the meat section. "I'd put my name on it so he would read it, but you did all the heavy lifting."

He sighed and grabbed some chicken, she did as well. "I know, I was just hoping you'd forget that part."

"Remind me to stop and grab some of that cheap rosé I like," Tessa commented as they seemed to aimlessly wander together.

"It gives me another excuse to talk to someone as pretty as you, I don't mind reminding you," Trevor smiled and Tessa lightly hip checked him.

"You're a dork," Tessa rolled her eyes at him.

Trevor, who was a few inches taller than her, leaned down a little, "I could be your dorm, if you wanted."

Tessa quietly laughed under her breath. Before she could say 'never in a million years,' a little old lady interrupted them.

"You two are an adorable couple," she smiled at the two of them. She was shorted than Tessa, and reminded the two of them of some old lady who'd try and pinch their cheeks. "You remind me of my husband and I way back in the day."

Tessa smiled, "Oh we are-"

"Getting married," Trevor cut off the little old lady. "This summer actually."

"Where is her engagement ring young man?" The lady seemed astonished that he hadn't gotten her a ring.

Trevor, somehow was able to pull another lie out of thin air, "Oh her ring? Well it had to be resized, I had it sized when I bought it, but it was too small."

"Honey, I grabbed this instead of what we usually get because they were out," an older gentleman approached.

"Well I wish you both the best, I better finish shopping or Glen will fall asleep before we even get back to the car," the older woman laughed and went about her shopping with her husband.

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