[ Chapter 1 ] • A Bad Case of Sex Hair •

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this is a shorter chapter than the prologue, but look at me actually updating a boo. Also unedited again so apologies in advance for spelling/grammar mistakes.

January 2018

Tessa ran her fingers underneath her eyes attempting to fix her mascara and eyeliner, or at least make it presentable. Her hair was beyond messy and she didn't even know if she felt like trying to brush it. She probably wouldn't try until the morning.

She watched as Brendan approached her from behind, she could see him in the mirror she was using to fix her hair and makeup. He wrapped his arms around her waist and let his lips trail a line of kisses from her shoulder to her neck, stopping just below her ear so he could whisper. "Just stay, we can have a shower, eat take out, watch a movie, or stay in bed..."

She squirmed in his arms slightly, trying to get out of his grasp. "Alex is coming over here in the morning, I can't stay the night."

"He won't find out about us," Brendan assured her, letting her go.

She rolled her eyes playfully, "It's Alex, he somehow finds out about everything."

She pulled her hair back with a hair tie, leaving it in a ponytail for the rest of the night. It's not like she wanted to go back out clubbing.

"He probably already assumes shit because we left together tonight," She commented. "If he finds any trace of me here tomorrow morning, he's gonna interrogate us."

"Alright fair point," Brendan understood where she was coming from. "Why can't we tell them again?"

She leaned over and kissed him quickly, "Telling them creates strings and attachments."

He nodded, "Right."

She threw a shirt at him, "Come on. You picked me up tonight, are you gonna give me a ride home?"

"So demanding," he laughed and pulled the shirt on.

She walked out of his room and towards his front door, calling to him from halfway down his hallway. "If you hurry I might give you road head," she teased.

She heard him let out a slight cheer from his room before he followed her down the hall. She had slipped on both her heels already as he put on his running shoes. "Have I ever told you you're my favourite?"

"All the time, I'm your best friend after all," she smiled and they left so he could drive her home.


She quietly opened the door to her apartment. Inside it looked like her roommate was asleep, since everything was off. She slipped her shoes off and tried to warm up. She kept telling herself to never go clubbing in January again. The outfits were far too skimpy to wear when the temperature is less than her age.

She turned down the hallway to see the bathroom light on. Her roommate stepped out, brushing her teeth. "Did Brendan drive you home? Because you've got a bad case of sex hair."

She laughed and walked down the hall to her room, the one across from the bathroom. "Gotta get the sex when the getting is good."

"You two have been doing this for months," Tiz commented.

"Going on 5 months of some of the best sex I've ever had!" Tessa yelled from her room, she laughed afterwards as she changed from her dress to her pyjamas.

"That's a long time," Tiz thought out loud. "You haven't developed feelings yet?"

"Nope," Tessa laughed. "I've got commitment and daddy issues remember?" She half-joked as Tiz shook her head while rinsing with mouthwash.

"Has he developed feelings?" She asked after a minute. Tiz cleaned up the bathroom a little, reorganizing it as they talked.

Tessa laughed, "Definitely not. We're both in it for the sex."

"So you're not excited when you get to see him?" Tiz raised her eyebrows and smiled. Trying to get her roommate to admit something.

Tessa rolled her eyes and hip bumped Tiz out of the way, "Does being excited for the multiple orgasms count as being excited to see him?"

Tiz laughed for a solid minute before calming down, "okay fine you've got me. You haven't fallen in love with him... yet, but be careful because he could have."

Tiz walked towards her room down the hall, "Night!" Tessa poked her head out from the bathroom, toothbrush in hand.

Tiz smiled and tired gave a small wave, "Night."

That night as she laid in bed highlighting a document, Tessa finally had to stop. Her conversation with Tiz was eating away at her. Brendan hadn't developed feelings, she knew that, because the rule was to tell the other person if one of them started to feel anything different.

He hadn't said anything, so Tessa was pretty confident that he was still Brendan and still just enjoying the good sex. After all it's not like they only had to sleep with each other. The option to sleep with others was still open to them, just condoms had to be a must; neither one of them wanted to get an STD since they weren't using condoms.

She turned off her light and set her document on her night stand. There was no point of losing sleep over something that hadn't even happened yet. Though she did make a mental note to check in with Brendan at some point over the next week before he went on a road trip.

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