I Really Do Like You

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Chapter 7

And I'm really sorry nothing is happening in the story. But soon some big stuff will happen MWHAHAAHAHAH

Tris pov

We were driving back from the "Forest Park" until Four broke the silence. "I never got to finish, wanna know my real name?"

"Sure" I say looking at him.

"You get five guesses then I'll tell you" he says with a smirk.




"That's a gay name, really Tris"

I laugh, "Theo?"

"No, I'll just tell you."

"Okay tell me now." I demand.

"Tobias" he says firmly.

I look at him, "you look like a Tobias"
I state. He looks at me. "You look like a BEAutiful Tris." He says and laughs

"Are we really still on that." I say pretending to act annoyed.

"So are we, ummm together?" He questions my nervously.

I blush "I guess could work that out"

"I really do like you Tris"

"I really like you to Tobias"


I get out of the car, and so dose he.
"Where do you live Tobias" I question. "I live right there" and he points to the house two down from me.

"Wow, I cant believe I didn't notice" I say. "Oh and why is that Tris,"

I blush thinking of my response
"Because duh, your so hot".

He looks at me, "I could say the same" I blush and giggle.

"Beatrice? Is that you?" I hear a deep ugly voice say. I tense knowing it was johns. "Yes sir, I will be inside in a sec."

"I Can't believe I'm just letting you walk in there" he says sadly to me.

"I know there's nothing we can do though, if I tell the police he will just lie and say that I'm lying" I reply.

"C'mon Beatrice, dinner is ready"
I hear John trying to act innocent.

"Coming" I respond.

"I love you Tris come to my house at Anytime you need, anytime. Just take the outside stairs and knock on my window. Okay?" He says to me.

"Okay. Love you" i say to him.

"I love you to Tris"

I hug him and walk inside. Once I get inside John gets me by the collar. "Got a new lover I see. Have you been spilling any little secrets we have" he says harshly.

"No, I would never do that" I lie.

"Better have not, any way how would some guy, any guy really, like you?" He questions.

I look down. Tears starting in the corner of my eye. "Go make some food Im hungry." He demands.

I scurry to the kitchen and open the fridge I find some turkey and cheese and find bread in the cabinets. I make a sandwich and make two. I put one on the table And the other one in the fridge.

"go to your room, I Cant even look at out face" he says taking the sandwich. "Yes sir."

I take the other sandwich from the fridge. and take it to my small room. Tomorrow's Tuesday that means I have work at the diner after school.

I work at the diner every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

I change into a really old tee shirt and gym shorts and set my alarm clock. I go to bed and think of Tobias, till sleep takes me.

OMFG I haven't updated in forever!
I'm really sorry. I just got to Colorado and the altitude makes it a little hard to breath. (I'm from Florida) lollll


I'm thinking of making a sheo fanfic😁 but I will never have time to update it. So maybe just a collection of one shots😁


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